Reviews from

end of working day

working in the rice fields

23 total reviews 
Comment from Dick Lee Shia

Aptly captured for the contest theme...
Verdant overtone.
Creative concept. Innovative approach. Imaginative presentation. Good perspective & long depth of field... Pin sharp focusing.
Subtle illumination. Best of luck in the contest!
Impressive entry. Potential voters choice...

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2016
    thanks a lot Dick
Comment from nikman

A lovely shot presented here! I like the way you have composed the scene with various lines prominent is different places. Colours and tones look good. Well done!

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 Comment Written 29-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2016
    many thanks again
Comment from Life is but a dream.

What a great nice gorgeous lovely art.Wonderful artistic scene and entrance. Beautiful red sweater and rice terraces,color designs,light and color balance, talent are gorgeous great and make a nice scene.I like this talent work.Color creativity and all are excellent.Great job.Well Done.Thanks.

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 Comment Written 29-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2016
    thanks a lot Olga for your skill as a scientist of the media and mass communication's comments and high rating;
reply by Life is but a dream. on 29-Feb-2016
    finally I'm having a great laugh...knew you would come up with a great riposte.