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Viewing comments for Page 11 "1st Take Out The ARCHERS!"

29 total reviews 
Comment from ArtistCharles

Thank you for the story line to keep us all from being confused as this battle rages on. But once the squirrels are gone, how will we get rid of the mice that are taking the birds food? Nice drawing with clear details and strong colors. "Keep on believin'"

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2019
    Thanks for the great review
Comment from Patti C

Well, LOL, that mouse is moving so fast you can barely see his hands--very animated. So those raccoons don't have a chance. The colors are very nice and you have a good composition. Oh, did I mention you have a great imagination also.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2019
    Well if things slow down for ya and ya have the time..I invite you to stop by YouTube and search for me under "MKFlood Presents" and check out any of my numerous illustrated music videos. They are a wide range of music with different stories and topics. Some will make you laugh..some will make you tap your foot..some will make you think and some will make you cry. The admission is free but you have to bring your own snacks... mine taste flat..wink.. thanks for the great review
reply by Patti C on 08-Apr-2019
    You?re very welcome and thanks for the invite
Comment from Susan F. M. T.

An interesting & colourful picture of the five handed armoured Mouse solider on the back of the scarlet Cardinal Bird facing three armoured Squirrels. created out of your vivid imagination, very skilful draftsmanship, beautiful choice blending & application of your colours. in bringing this battle scene to life,

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2019
    Thanks for the great review
Comment from Kelly Grant 2

This is another great photo for your video collection! These guys are just too funny! Thank hat kind of video is this for again? I'm sure you'll do well with these! Good luck!

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2019
    Thanks for the great review
Comment from cleo85

There they are, the secret force of mice warriors! This is really a surprise for the squirrels, who do not counteract...jet. I personally think a counter attack will come soon. The battle is not over jet and it is still o0pen who will win this war. Might be there won't be any winners, but a piece agreement.
It is funny that the mouse warrior is riding a bird. The viewer ask herself how that bird feels about. Three is always a good number. How the three squirrels are shown in different body poses is intriguing.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2019
    You so in tune..I bet your fun watching murder mystery with .. l like to discuss the case as the movie goes to see if I guess right..some folks don't like to talk about it until after the movie...oh well..wink. thanks for the great review
reply by cleo85 on 08-Apr-2019
    You're most welcome It dosn't make any difference to me... I like to talk any time convinient... Early caught mistakes make working always easier... :o)
reply by the author on 08-Apr-2019
    So true..ok..I'm amazed how in tuned you are in the story.. thanks..wink
reply by cleo85 on 09-Apr-2019
    :o) :o) ;o)
Comment from Bruceiorio

Great story telling image.
Artwork goes right to the point.
Excellent coloring and shading.
Fine details and textures.
Well crafted image.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2019
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from John Kotalac

Dude is definitely on point with those he is no joke and he looks pissed.And those are head shots. Squirrels better get squirrely. Let them get into the feeder and trap those little shits. I'm so torn not sure who I'm pulling for anymore just know that I have a blast viewing it. And I had no clue you are like the champion on far back to back to back champ. But it's well deserved you work is super cool. But you know that. And I would be honored if you ever did my character. You would make me famous. Lol and my wife is on Facebook, would it be ok if she followed you? I'm planning on checking out unsung hero today. I'm a veteran airborne can't wait to view it. Tried yesterday but computers aren't my strong point. Peace and can't wait for more. John

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2019
    Lol .well maybe things have changed, but back in my day when I served I was with 2Bn 1st F.A. air mobile..we were attached to 3rd Corp but every time 82nd or 101st went on red alert we did you know navy can only fire about 40 miles with their my day we flew in with schnooks, fire and flew back out. We made a post record so the post Commander sent my whole unit to possum kingdom Texas for 7 day R and was cool.thanks for the great review
reply by John Kotalac on 07-Apr-2019
    Right on. We are all brothers in arms. I was in the army. I remember the day I went I said I wanna be an airborne ranger, and he was a ranger he just laughed at me and said slow down. Never got my ranger tab. But I got hooked up even better and got sent to a 528th JSOC, and got to work with the guys in 3rd group for a few years. And we went to Afghanistan with them . I was there when the chinook got shot down. On the flight line ready. Then in Seattle with 1st group for a while. Had a blast thanks for serving. Adapt or perish
reply by the author on 07-Apr-2019
    I was in 1 that the prop stop at 60 ft and we feel like a I can tell you some stories..wink
Comment from RHarmon18

This is an incredible drawing, I wish I had the god given talent to draw like this. It's an amazing portrait and I can't wait to see more work! Thank you for sharing this!

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 Comment Written 07-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2019
    See more?? Yeah there is over 1000 drawings of wide range of topics but I wouldn't won't to bore ya.. however, I do encourage you to stop by YouTube and search"MKFlood Presents' and check out any of my numerous illustrated music videos. They are a wide range of music with different stories and topics. Some will make you laugh.. some will make you tap your foot...some will make you think and some might even make you cry.. the admission is free but you have to bring your own snacks.. squirrels stolen mine. Wink thanks for the great review
Comment from alaskapat

Game on! Wow it looks like that arrow has made contact with the squirrel ! The mouse is all suited up and riding the cardinal like a horse! This is very well rendered as usual, with incredible detail in the soldiers , their armor, and the colors are all very well applied! This is awesome!

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 Comment Written 06-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2019
    Thanks for the great review