Reviews from

About To Land!

View of a seagull on the point of landing.

41 total reviews 
Comment from helvi2

Hi Nik, You just knocked my socks off with this amazing shot! I not only love the forward motion of the wings, I also love the intensity of the sky! The image is super crisp with lovely lighting that doesn't create a flare on the lovely white seagull! The timing was Super! Love this amazing shot... a REAL joy to view! :o) Nancy

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 17-Apr-2019
    I am very pleased that you enjoyed my photo so much! That big 6 is a great bonus too!
Comment from Shadow catcher

A great stop action photo of this seagull in flight,a gorgeously sharp image against the blue sky. Feathers are nicely illuminated and well defined,I can see the webbing in the feet as well as the red spot on the bill. This is perfect for the contest and should be hard to beat,the very best to you in the contest!

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 17-Apr-2019
    Your very nice review and big 6 are much appreciated!
Comment from Eric Middleton

Haha. This is awesome! It reminds me of the seagull from The Rescuers Down Under. The saturation of the sky really makes him pop out. Nice and clean. Beautiful shot and thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 17-Apr-2019
    Very many thanks for your nice review!
Comment from Christine Rohr

Beautiful action photograph, perfect for the contest. The light and shadows on the gull are perfect. But I think what is most beautiful is the position you caught in this photograph, everything about it implies movement from the spread of the feathers, position of the head, neck and wings, contour of the boy and trailing legs. This is really great. Good luck in the action contest.

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 17-Apr-2019
    I do very much appreciate your comprehensive and detailed review! Your big 6 is a wonderful bonus.
Comment from iPhone7

A very dramatic scene here Nik. There is great action as the bird begins to flair its wings to slow for a landing.

Position in the scene is spot on while the sharp focus is crisp and detailed. The head and eye are particularly well focused and the wings show just enough blur to suggest movement.

Good show my friend and all the best in the judging ~ Steve

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 17-Apr-2019
    I am very grateful for your kind, thoughtful review and that big 6!
Comment from Joanna Bachman

Perfectly poised photograph,with wings indented(every feather visible),with beak and tail,too,curved downward.Quite a dramatic photograph!
Joanna Bachman

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 17-Apr-2019
    Very pleased that my shot pleased and impressed you! Many thanks for your kind review!
Comment from Patti C

That's a very nice pose you cut that gull in. The focus is very nice you can even see it I quite well. The light coming through the feathers is a very nice feature. The blue sky background really sets your bird off nicely. Good job. And good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 16-Apr-2019
    I am very grateful for your kind review and best wishes!
reply by Patti C on 16-Apr-2019
Comment from Kelly Grant 2

This is a beautiful photo and a great entry for this contest! I love that you were able to capture this seagull as he was getting ready to land! Very nice work! Thank you so much for sharing and good luck in the contest!

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 16-Apr-2019
    Your nice review and best wishes are gratefully received! Glad you enjoyed my photo!!
reply by Kelly Grant 2 on 16-Apr-2019
    You are very welcome!
Comment from avmurray

I really like the position of the open wings, and the stop action is just perfect. It is lovely the way the light is falling on the bird, and I am especially impressed by the very good white balance. The seagull is of course also standing out from the lovely blue sky in an excellent way.

The photo is very sharp and it is indeed clear and well defined details to be seen both in the body and the wings of the bird. I also think the exposure is spot on.

The format and framing is perfect and the bird has got a very good placement in the picture. I think this a truly lovely and well taken action shot Nikman, and with a very good DOF. I wish you luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 16-Apr-2019
    I am very grateful for your detailed and comprehensive review! Glad you enjoyed the photo and thanks for your best wishes!! Like that big 6 too!!!
reply by avmurray on 17-Apr-2019
    You are more than welcome Nikman.
Comment from Hilma A.

An astounding photograph of a bird while it's flying. The stop-action and focus are so precise. The clear blue sky adds to the beauty of this image. Can you share what your shutter speed was?

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 16-Apr-2019
    I am very grateful for your kind review. Very pleased with your big 6!
    Glad you enjoyed the photo!! I am away from home at the moment, but if you message me about it from Fri this week I should be able too.