Reviews from

Washing tomaoes

Tomatoes in the sink

72 total reviews 
Comment from sandralee

Do tell -- do you always mix lemons with tomatoes when you are washing them -- can't help but notice they are in the same container. Cool shot, bubbling fresh water and vine ripened tomatoes -- looks good. Terrific shot - food stylist quality.

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2010
    Yhe lemon was just to add some extra to the color of the image. Thank you vert much for the nice revitw
Comment from flitsch

Initial impact 5
Creativity of presentation 5
Color Harmony 5
Center of Interest 5
Technical Excellence 5
Technique 5
Story Telling Ability 5
Lighting 5
This is very well photographed, thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
reply by flitsch on 08-Nov-2010
    You are welcome
Comment from GaliaG

excelelnt capture of the water flow, good focus, light handling, composition and presentation

a lovely idea

thansk for shairng

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
Comment from paulinejjones

This picture is full of color and life; I like the color of the tomatoes and I love the bubbles. I wish you well in the contest.

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
Comment from kanagraj

Good colors and good luck for the contest. Excellent high speed photography. Fine lighting and details. Good story telling ability. Cool concept . Good technique and impact. Over all excellent presentation. Very apprecitable work.

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
Comment from ademuro

Cool concept for the contest
I do like the water affect
Tomatoes have great color definitely adds to the photo
Good luck.

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
Comment from Southernbelle Photos

Colors nice. Details nice. Lighting nice. Initial impact nice. Creativity of presentation nice. Color harmony nice. Center of interest nice. Technique nice. Story telling nice. Thanks for sharing, Southernbelle

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
reply by Southernbelle Photos on 08-Nov-2010
    You welcome, Southernbelle
Comment from Lynnwildbrit

great initial impact with the red
great focus and light
love the bubbles from the water and the lemons
good framing
Good luck in the competition

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
Comment from RagsAuggie

Love the action in the water interesting bowl they are in--good focus and details in the fruit and veggies! Thanks for sharing! Cindy

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
Comment from RevDon

Initial impact; Now there is some fine looking tomatoes and some still on the vine.
Lighting is good, two sources a flash and over head electrical kitchen lighting.
Action is the water running and washing the fruit. Fresh fruit presentation. Color harmony is nice. Center of interest would be the tomatoes. Cropping is good. I think it would have been advantages to have cloned out that bit in the lower right corner, kind of distracting.
Focus is good. Depth of field not in play much. Story telling is in the artist's notes.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
reply by RevDon on 08-Nov-2010
    You are welcome.