Reviews from


Little golden puppy

39 total reviews 
Comment from Princess_Holly

This is so so adorable! He looks really cheeky. I love the colours and all the detail of him. Pleasure to view

 Comment Written 30-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 30-Mar-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from R. Eugene Wallace

Great capture and a great name for your new friend. He looks like he will be a great pet. Thanks for sharing your new dog, your photo and your talent.

 Comment Written 30-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 30-Mar-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from Dr. Michael Shelton

this is a well balanced and a well designed work of art it has great texture and color it also tell a story with great focus i like this work good job

 Comment Written 30-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 30-Mar-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from Kevan

Beautiful photo,nicely shot.Holds my interest,tells a story.good color and clarity.He does,nt want you to leave him.Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 30-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 30-Mar-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from Polly Brown

Is he in Greece? Cute little his eyes. He wants to have a play by the look of him. Nice colouring but focus looks a smidge soft. Good luck in the contest.

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 Comment Written 30-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 30-Mar-2011
    I suppose he is still in Greece. He had a black sister, but she was hiding from me all the time. Thank you for the review.
Comment from Erhusome

very nice shot at this little rascal. I like the way you framed it. Lucky there was this piece of paper. Greco would come right at us and lick our face :). Thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 30-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 30-Mar-2011
    Thank you very much
reply by Erhusome on 30-Mar-2011
reply by Erhusome on 30-Mar-2011
Comment from MikeWadd

I bet he's thanking, "If she wants this bag, she aint' gitten' it. Photo's like tjhis always make me ask, "What's he or she thinking," but with aminals we'll never know. Keep up the good work

 Comment Written 30-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 30-Mar-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from ImagesofJoy

Nice title. Cute puppy. colors are good. lighting is good. I like the streak of white up his head. I like the friendly reflection in his eyes. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 30-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 30-Mar-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from bluegypsyrose

This is a very cute sweet puppy. Nice details and contrast in this photo. Good lighting. Thanks for sharing.

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 Comment Written 30-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 30-Mar-2011
    Thank you very much