Reviews from

Hypnotic Green Eyes

Close up of a cat's eyes

45 total reviews 
Comment from Anne

This is amazing how close you got to get a picture like this. The eyes are gorgeous the way they are looking right at the viewer. This is a beautiful cat. An excellent picture.

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from Max Giddings

Under bright light the aperture of a cats eyes being a narrow slot gives you the feeling you are looking at something from another planet. The eyes are so intense, but at the same time very beautiful. You have done very well here with a photo that has so much great detail.

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from mamamary

Wow!!! Those are some gorgeous eyes. Too bad we women don't have such beauty. The focus is exquisite. The macro shot is clear and crisp. I can almost count the hairs. I love it.

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from wallypete

Fantastic Annie. You certainly did what you set out to do. I'm a dog man, and my wife is a cat woman. We have two dogs and three cats, two of which are female. I don't have much of a chance around here.

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from Old Redeye

Excellent close-up. The texture of the fur is really emphasized, along with the eyes. You don't mention lighting in your artist notes. Was this available light, or did you use a flash?
I really like the composition! I think this would look really good on a studio canvas. Thanks for sharing.

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 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2011
    Sorry that I forgot to tell about the light. This is an outdoor shot and the natural light was used. Thanks for the lovely review and generous rating.
Comment from Sam S

This is a fantastic image of the cats eyes. I like the color of them. Good texture in the fur. Good composition, focus and detail. Well done. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from Mitcham

A great picture of the eyes,but I think it has been over sharpened as the fur comes across as spiky rather than soft as you expect on a cat.I suggest cloning the highlights in the eyes. Mitch

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 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much for the review. I think the highlights lokk good, and would not even think about removing them. Still I am very greatfull for all suggestions. They always make me take a second look.
Comment from picklepea09

Just beautiful and he looks like my Max. Great clear shot of his beautiful eyes. They are hypnotic too. Great title and artist notes. Kiss him for me ;) Great photo.

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from Saylea Photography

How on earth do you get that close to a cat without it running lol, nice frame and focus, coloring is nice as well

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much for the nice review. I wasn't really that close. The original shows the whole head.
Comment from BurntOfferingsart

Good title and very good storytelling. Eyes...the window to the soul. you have captured it well Great visual impact and nice composition

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2011
    Thank you very much