Promised Not To do It Again
abuse ad poster40 total reviews
Comment from photoman12
My Buddy. That is a terrible traumatic time in your life. I understand how you feel about seeing abuse. Jump in and help the victim out. In my state we do not have the death penalty A person or persons who abuses kids, the elderly I can go on. They are cowards and if found guilty should be put to death. I am sure you have the same headlines in the paper or tv as us here in Chicago. A person gets sent to jail and comes out and does a crime that is worse than the one he went in for. Or gets out on parol and kills. The judge or lawyers are not held responsible for letting him out early. How come? Your art work is very clever and so different than your early life. It brings a smile to my face everytime I open one from you. I was not abused my my parents but by kids in the neighborhood. Not just bullying but kicked in the balls and such. I am a pass if person by nature. But penalty should fit the crime. The Government makes it to easy on them in jail. I am sorry to ramble on. But I'm glad that you made it.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
My Buddy. That is a terrible traumatic time in your life. I understand how you feel about seeing abuse. Jump in and help the victim out. In my state we do not have the death penalty A person or persons who abuses kids, the elderly I can go on. They are cowards and if found guilty should be put to death. I am sure you have the same headlines in the paper or tv as us here in Chicago. A person gets sent to jail and comes out and does a crime that is worse than the one he went in for. Or gets out on parol and kills. The judge or lawyers are not held responsible for letting him out early. How come? Your art work is very clever and so different than your early life. It brings a smile to my face everytime I open one from you. I was not abused my my parents but by kids in the neighborhood. Not just bullying but kicked in the balls and such. I am a pass if person by nature. But penalty should fit the crime. The Government makes it to easy on them in jail. I am sorry to ramble on. But I'm glad that you made it.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2013
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
so true and to many cases out there..i admit i was apprehensive about posting here, but i thought to myself..what the heck..ive been ballsy voicing my opinion here b4..why stop?..wink thanks for the great review
Comment from paulah
Your passion always shows in your work. When you apply it to this subject matter, you take yet another step into leadership in the artistic community. You've honored a victim with delicacy in your rendering of her damaged self. Enough said.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
Your passion always shows in your work. When you apply it to this subject matter, you take yet another step into leadership in the artistic community. You've honored a victim with delicacy in your rendering of her damaged self. Enough said.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2013
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
the victim should always be honored to make others aware! dont u agree?.wink.thanks for the excellent review
Comment from Doris1022
Is a sad thing. very sad.
Sad to know that people live like that. women that can't seem to help themselves and their children.
Children are the worst. I never want to believe it could happen.
In your opinion, what is a good sign kids are being abused.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
Is a sad thing. very sad.
Sad to know that people live like that. women that can't seem to help themselves and their children.
Children are the worst. I never want to believe it could happen.
In your opinion, what is a good sign kids are being abused.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2013
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
dont let me stop u..wink.thanks for the great review
stop you what??
check private msg..the earlier reply hopped from someone else to u got someone elses message..sorry
Comment from Regina E.H-Ariel
I truly appreciate this post very much as I agree totally with your opinion, it has to stop and pain has to be changed into love - you did a handsome job as you shifted your experience so your children could grow with love and different pattern, most of criminals did just never had an affective moment in their lives and no other experience as to be beaten or to beat - time to shift and to rise consciousness, I hope that this item will wake the lady up to do what there is need to do - a super post, accurately perfect and shocking as it has to be to open eyes, ears and hearts, super job
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
I truly appreciate this post very much as I agree totally with your opinion, it has to stop and pain has to be changed into love - you did a handsome job as you shifted your experience so your children could grow with love and different pattern, most of criminals did just never had an affective moment in their lives and no other experience as to be beaten or to beat - time to shift and to rise consciousness, I hope that this item will wake the lady up to do what there is need to do - a super post, accurately perfect and shocking as it has to be to open eyes, ears and hearts, super job
Comment Written 09-Oct-2013
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
thanks for the great review
Comment from Rickyrick
I have experience of this as do so many women and men so congratulations on your stand against this behaviour, people don't want to believe it happens. Powerful and direct image.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
I have experience of this as do so many women and men so congratulations on your stand against this behaviour, people don't want to believe it happens. Powerful and direct image.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2013
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
thanks bro for the great review
Comment from david F
Nothing to forgive bro ,Now its Our turn to be standing up and clapping , Like appreciation at the end of any great even a standing ovation is the ultimate response and that's what you and this deserve , All great art speaks to us often on different levels , This one is painful and difficult to absorb , but all the more reason we take our time to take it all in , With a combination of image and words you have produced a master piece
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
Nothing to forgive bro ,Now its Our turn to be standing up and clapping , Like appreciation at the end of any great even a standing ovation is the ultimate response and that's what you and this deserve , All great art speaks to us often on different levels , This one is painful and difficult to absorb , but all the more reason we take our time to take it all in , With a combination of image and words you have produced a master piece
Comment Written 09-Oct-2013
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
thanks bro for the excellent review
Comment from Barb Hornegisaspca
Absolutely right. Was there for 20 years. Broken bones, limbs that dont work right, knife scars, black eyes. You have this right along with the promises. Perfect
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reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
Absolutely right. Was there for 20 years. Broken bones, limbs that dont work right, knife scars, black eyes. You have this right along with the promises. Perfect
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Comment Written 09-Oct-2013
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
thanks bro for the excellent review
Comment from Photography byTrixie
Why wonder I like you...I did abuse hot line for three years 2 nights a week and thought it would be domestic violence (1 person) the rest were all people who had been abused as children -some knew it like you, others remembered during traumatic event like child-birth or as adults when they could handle the images. The message was the same "it was never your fault" and "there was nothing you could have done differently" You survived it so you did exactly what you were supposed to do. children dont have a lot of options. You are lucky you had someone who helped get you away from her. She was sick.
My dad terrorized my mother. I remember one incident but I am sure there were others. I learned to put up with more than I should from her. She died at 46. I was 12 and an only child. My dad died at 57 when I was 19. I briefly married my childhood sweetheart whose life at home was hell and he drank just like his and my dear old dad. You know, attracted like magnets to people like yourself not always a good thing. It did not last long. He came home from Viet Nam addicted to Heroin. We had a baby.Divorced. I did not get married again for 10 years. In between I got in 3 years of college while working full time. I met and married someone else I thought was exciting and he was like my dad (duh).It was worse.He was emotionally abusive.When I finally understood what was going on, I left him but went back against good advice to promises he had no intentions to keep ...I finished my degree by working full time to pay for the day care, so that I could finish school. Shortly after I graduated without him lifting a finger to help me, I started stashing money. The first year I made $13,000 which was the most money I ever had made in my entire life. The day he gave me a black eye I had him arrested and moved out. But it took a lot of counseling to get there. Got a job in Virginia and moved myself and 4 children to Virginia from Wisconsin where I knew absolutely no one and had the exact same baggage so went to psychologist there. I was terrified of him. When I filed for divorce I said I did not know where he lived. How low does one have to be to be empowered by terrorizing or hurting someone smaller? He made my life hell. I used to read books on how to be a better wife or mother... I had no idea it wasn't me but him until I got a flyer in the mail. There it was in green and black. So once you know, you have to do something about it. I went to AA meeting because they did not have "abuse" meetings or "domestic violence" back then but I got what I needed out of it. It empowered me. I finally figured that if I could support myself and one child as Secretary before I met him and managed to take classes I certainly could support myself and kids as a Registered Nurse and did not need him. I have great kids. The best decision I ever made in my life was to leave him. I met David in VA and we were together for 25 years and married 23. He was my rock. We got divorced last year...and here I am today this marvelous person who started traveling painting, taking pictures and just bought herself a house. Have been a nurse now for 28 years. When Dustin was in high school he wrote an essay on his "hero" and I was it but he put it on the internet and I thought "oh no, I dont want everyone knowing about all of it but you know it is not my shame it was Mike and my sons essay made me cry. It is still there if I google my name. You rock M FLOOD. - Victoria aka Trixie.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
Why wonder I like you...I did abuse hot line for three years 2 nights a week and thought it would be domestic violence (1 person) the rest were all people who had been abused as children -some knew it like you, others remembered during traumatic event like child-birth or as adults when they could handle the images. The message was the same "it was never your fault" and "there was nothing you could have done differently" You survived it so you did exactly what you were supposed to do. children dont have a lot of options. You are lucky you had someone who helped get you away from her. She was sick.
My dad terrorized my mother. I remember one incident but I am sure there were others. I learned to put up with more than I should from her. She died at 46. I was 12 and an only child. My dad died at 57 when I was 19. I briefly married my childhood sweetheart whose life at home was hell and he drank just like his and my dear old dad. You know, attracted like magnets to people like yourself not always a good thing. It did not last long. He came home from Viet Nam addicted to Heroin. We had a baby.Divorced. I did not get married again for 10 years. In between I got in 3 years of college while working full time. I met and married someone else I thought was exciting and he was like my dad (duh).It was worse.He was emotionally abusive.When I finally understood what was going on, I left him but went back against good advice to promises he had no intentions to keep ...I finished my degree by working full time to pay for the day care, so that I could finish school. Shortly after I graduated without him lifting a finger to help me, I started stashing money. The first year I made $13,000 which was the most money I ever had made in my entire life. The day he gave me a black eye I had him arrested and moved out. But it took a lot of counseling to get there. Got a job in Virginia and moved myself and 4 children to Virginia from Wisconsin where I knew absolutely no one and had the exact same baggage so went to psychologist there. I was terrified of him. When I filed for divorce I said I did not know where he lived. How low does one have to be to be empowered by terrorizing or hurting someone smaller? He made my life hell. I used to read books on how to be a better wife or mother... I had no idea it wasn't me but him until I got a flyer in the mail. There it was in green and black. So once you know, you have to do something about it. I went to AA meeting because they did not have "abuse" meetings or "domestic violence" back then but I got what I needed out of it. It empowered me. I finally figured that if I could support myself and one child as Secretary before I met him and managed to take classes I certainly could support myself and kids as a Registered Nurse and did not need him. I have great kids. The best decision I ever made in my life was to leave him. I met David in VA and we were together for 25 years and married 23. He was my rock. We got divorced last year...and here I am today this marvelous person who started traveling painting, taking pictures and just bought herself a house. Have been a nurse now for 28 years. When Dustin was in high school he wrote an essay on his "hero" and I was it but he put it on the internet and I thought "oh no, I dont want everyone knowing about all of it but you know it is not my shame it was Mike and my sons essay made me cry. It is still there if I google my name. You rock M FLOOD. - Victoria aka Trixie.
Comment Written 08-Oct-2013
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
u rock too trixie..its funny how we try to look in ourselves thinking it was our fault that the abuser is the way they r..they dont want help only to blame...i saw that woman only 1 time after i was adopted (i was 16) and true i was angry then and ready for a fight..till talking with her realized i pity her stupidity and arrogance of blaming everyone around her knowing at that age how blessed i was to be raised by great people (my great uncle who i proudly call dad)..i see and hear those infamous words that i have titled this drawing from and really try to reason with the victim,but it is them who can make the change and us to help and support them when they do...sometimes it doesnt end well, but i have to try...u know!
One of the sons took care of his dad "Mike" when he had open heart surgery because Dustin said he wanted to be the type of person who treated people better than his dad every treated him..on the other hand he knows Mike uses people, they are smart they see how he is ...the dad's g/f stood by him when he was going through heart surgery .. now she is sick and he has taken off to visit his sister in Arizona for the winter..nice guy and left her with the bills. He never bought the kids things for Christmas, Birthdays (although he promised them)...nada. I never asked for child support, it was enough to be free of him. When the daughter got married the step-father stood up to give her away. When she was leaving the reception, Dustin ran up the steps calling for 'dad' meaning the Step-dad to make sure he did not miss her departure while his real dad he calls "Mike" was standing there. It was PRICELESS. The daughter chose her step father. ..who was her dad for 16 years by the time she got married to give her away. I am glad that she did. Mike did not deserve the honor. It is sad that people thought that what went on behind closed doors was no one else business. Now the kids are taught number to call.
mike will be lonely in his own hell but thats thee bed he chose..u on the other hand soak up and enjoy the love of u children and keep that distant memory as a bad dream..its hard i know..sad part is when something happens similar those memories spark back up which i can relate..guess that is why im the jokester..i would rather laugh than cry..wink
Comment from Alveria
This is a very serious issue that I care about deeply as well. I have heard and witnessed heartbreaking stories. There are shelters and safe havens around the country but unfortunately many women don't survive long enough to get away. God bless this mother who has experienced one's worst nightmare, losing a child. Disturbing but well done poster, gets right to the point.
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reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
This is a very serious issue that I care about deeply as well. I have heard and witnessed heartbreaking stories. There are shelters and safe havens around the country but unfortunately many women don't survive long enough to get away. God bless this mother who has experienced one's worst nightmare, losing a child. Disturbing but well done poster, gets right to the point.
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Comment Written 08-Oct-2013
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
thanks for the great review!
Comment from Mara del Mar
I here I have no words for a normal comment, no words, just feelings to the flower of skin, and an absolute solidarity and identification with the very touching notes.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
I here I have no words for a normal comment, no words, just feelings to the flower of skin, and an absolute solidarity and identification with the very touching notes.
Comment Written 08-Oct-2013
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2013
thanks for the great review