Reviews from

Days Beginning

Sunrise in the Caribbean

57 total reviews 
Comment from John House

Nice composition with good impact due to the vibrant hues of the reds and browns . Your eye is immediately attracted to the sky line and then travels down to the habitations shown in dark relief ,then you wonder what people sleep during such a glorious sunrise. They balance is just right and composition good technically well executed shot

 Comment Written 14-May-2011

reply by the author on 14-May-2011
    thank you very much. People sleep because they don't know how glorious the sunrise could be.
reply by John House on 14-May-2011
    you are most welcome
Comment from Shelllady

Wow how intense is this. Great initial impact and color harmony. An eye catcher all right The sky is on fire and its almost like being on mars or something Very nice photo Luv it.

 Comment Written 14-May-2011

reply by the author on 14-May-2011
    Thank you very much. i did not realize it; but these are Marsian colors indeed.
reply by Shelllady on 14-May-2011
    your welcome
Comment from rharrisphotos

Very nice sunrise photo. Great colors in the sky. Nicely framed. I like the church in the center of the foreground. Great focus, lighting, and exposure. Well done.

 Comment Written 14-May-2011

reply by the author on 14-May-2011
    Thank you very much for your encouraging review.
Comment from Pennyw6

Awesome color harmony and center of interest with initial impact and lighting,
along with the story telling
ability.Technical excellence
and creativity of presentation
and technique.

 Comment Written 14-May-2011

reply by the author on 14-May-2011
    Thank you, I appreciate your review very much.
reply by Pennyw6 on 14-May-2011
    You are welcome.
Comment from MarthaHolloway

Beautiful photo and I like that there is so much detail in the foreground. Most of the time it is very dark, indistinguishable and way too much is left. You have composed and presented this in a very nice manner. The colors of the sky are vibrant and eye-catching. Very creative photo and a pleasure to view. Thank you for sharing it.

 Comment Written 14-May-2011

reply by the author on 14-May-2011
    Thank you,I appreciate your encouraging review.
reply by MarthaHolloway on 14-May-2011
    You're welcome.
Comment from David T Francis

A really great sun rise shot here with great colours, details and focus. Good foreground with interesting shapes.

Thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 14-May-2011

reply by the author on 14-May-2011
    Thank you, I appreciate your review very much.
Comment from amfunny

Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. Simply stunning. Love the color.
Great composition and focus. I could look at this for hours. Great job.

 Comment Written 14-May-2011

reply by the author on 14-May-2011
    Thank you, Your review is greatly appreciated.