Reviews from

Washing tomaoes

Tomatoes in the sink

72 total reviews 
Comment from Daliant

A nice interpretation of the red contest . Like the bubbling water in the sink. Gives the image vibrance. Nice light and colour. Thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2010
    Thank you very mych- I would appreiate if you told me what is wrong woth it
reply by Daliant on 08-Nov-2010
    Sorry if I have confused you.I have often received four and half stars without any comments about the negatives of my shot. I'm not really sure of the difference between 41/2 stars and 5 stars. Perhaps it boils down to personal prefernce for an overall image. I hope this helps. Sometimes I get a 4 star with no comment on what needs to be improved also.
reply by the author on 08-Nov-2010
    That is OK. Have the same difficulty myself. I was just so sure this was a fiver. You are excused
reply by Daliant on 08-Nov-2010
    I experience that too. I get really excited by my shot thinking it will get a lot of response and nothing happens. Its very deflating but we have to remember this is still a very subjective thing..reviewing as well as choosing what to shooot. I've gone on shoots with friens and we are attracted to differentthings at times. Keep snapping and don't get too disappointed. The more you shoot and the more feedback you get makes you better.
reply by Daliant on 08-Nov-2010
    I took another look at you tomatoes. Perhaps I felt a little was missing from where the bowl got cut off. Sometimes I feel I'm nitpicking and leave out those comments
reply by the author on 08-Nov-2010
    That is OK. You are a reviewee and therefore you have the right to write what you men
reply by the author on 08-Nov-2010
    Thank you
Comment from vipshehan-Nikon

Nice sharp image with good initial impact and nice color harmony. The detail is nice and the reds pop out nicely in the capture.

Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2010
    Thank you very muxh
Comment from sincityyy

I really like this- and a great entry for the red contest. The tomatoes are a perfect rede color. But the water- I love the bubbles. This is really good- good luck in the contest and thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
Comment from Wheelssky

Great focus and lighting- very vibrant colors and details. Especially like the air bubbles in the water stream and on the surface.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
reply by Wheelssky on 07-Nov-2010
    You are very welcome.
Comment from tedmunro

that was a good idea. that is a good red photograph. i makes me want a tomatoe. very bright and clear. ty for sharing. gl in the contest.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
Comment from LarryB

These tomatoes need to be given to me thank you LOL. An imaginitive shot, well executed.

It is sharp, and a bit to harsh of light. Nice composition makes it nice to view.

Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
Comment from Mbessenbacher

What an excellent piece of work.
very good impact as it brings your eyes right to the center.
very good focus,
very good dof.
very good comp.
I would have liked to have seen it with long exposure and get the cotton candy effect of the water.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
Comment from RedRockArt

Chose to review this, because it grabbed my attention, that alone is a good indication.

Good technically. With sharp lines, that lead to various areas of the image...

Well balanced, the colors fit well together, and it has interesting patterns in light and shadows, with good detail in mid-tones, and highlights.

Comparing your image with a zone scale, see at least ten specific zones of contrast, from Black w/o details, to White almost without detail.

Why is this important?
Because, it is the range of blacks, grays, and whites, that control colors. A true contrast scale in Black and White, gives maximum usable contrast for color. Usually this means a lot of impact in the Image.

It can be why you do not understand someones review, if your monitor is not calibrated. For if you adjusted your image, to look good on it. Viewed on other monitors calibrated or not, it will look different than it looks on your original... (Not necessarily bad.)

Impact - Strong 5
It has lots of impact in the subject alone, but the colors increase it. It has specific points of interest that keep bringing me back to see them.
The blacks, enhance drama.

Lighting 5
Appropriate, natural appearing lighting of an interesting subject, with some open shadows...

Composition - 5
Love it when people "compose for maximum impact."

In composition, we want to choose a powerful interest point, then put it into the position with most impact. You have come very close to what I might do with a similar image.

Creativity: 5
Ansel Adams, said, "12 images, is a good years work." When we Aim for Adams or Weston's and the quality in others work, we can achieve it, with practice.

The more we look at the work of others closely to see what we like, the more info we store in our brain. Then, the brain uses this information, all combined to create our own style of work.

Looking at this, feel that the bright reflections behind the stream of water carry the eye away or attract to much attention of unimportant area. If this were blurred more and darkened like the metal on left side of the water, it could improve the impact on the tomato and bubbles. Whatever is in the lower right that is blurred, is distracting also.

Creativity: 5
Ansel Adams, said, "12 images, is a good years work." When we Aim for Adams or Weston's and the quality in others work, we can achieve it, with practice.

The more we look at the work of others closely to see what we like, the more info we store in our brain. Then, the brain uses this information, all combined to create our own style of work.
You have done very well with this image, will enjoy seeing more.

My desire as a reviewer, is to help you produce something better, each time.

My comments are merely suggestions, use them if you like them, ignore them if you do not.

Take into consideration the knowledge of those writing reviews, even mine. Everyone's experience is different, they may lack the knowledge to do a good review and mean well.... They may criticize technical elements, when the artist varies from normal, to create a piece of art. For many think no photo should even be altered.

Artists use colors which express what they "feel" about the image. Not just ones reviewers believe are "technically correct" according to some standard. If we change colors or make them the way we want, it says what we want to communicate. If someone does not understand our communication, they just do not speak the same language of art. It does not mean they or you are wrong, and its just an opinion. Just go back, and enjoy the piece you created.

Only if, _we_feel_ it is not quite right, should we change it to suit others....

Story - 5

Images are worth thousands of words.
The best require no words to describe, not even a Title.

When your work communicates emotions or ideas and effects the viewer, a Story has been told.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
Comment from Watercoloursmleboeuf

It's a great photo with a nice composition and good impact. I like the colors and shapes and how they interact with the water. Great lighting and love the design the bubbles make.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much
Comment from Amy33

Beautiful bright, perfect tomatoes. Very interesting bowl. Nice effect with the water out of the faucet and in the bowl. Colors very vibrant, sharp focus, flash against the sink in the background a tiny bit distracting. Best of luck, Amy

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 07-Nov-2010
    Thank you very much