Reviews from

Our Holiday Cat

Ginger Cat

65 total reviews 
Comment from Sam S

I assume you meant cat instead of car. This is an image of a nice looking cat. He sure looks very relaxed. A very good candidate for the contest.

Good composition, focus, detail and DOF. Good artist notes. Good artist notes. Well done. Thanks for sharing. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 01-Sep-2011

reply by the author on 02-Sep-2011
    Oops. I meant cat of course. Thank you very much for the lovely review
Comment from canon shooter

Another great presentation with the spotlight effect on the cat. The vignetting sure makes it stand out more against the BG.

 Comment Written 01-Sep-2011

reply by the author on 02-Sep-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from PoohBear

A super capture here of the nice cat. We have a cat that almost looks like this one here and we named it Dakota, a male. Nice looking photo.

 Comment Written 01-Sep-2011

reply by the author on 02-Sep-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from NaturesGreat

Very cool shot. I love the colors including the background. The colors all compliment each other, Ginger, floor and walls. Focus, DOF and composition are great. Great capture.

 Comment Written 01-Sep-2011

reply by the author on 02-Sep-2011
    Thank you very much
Comment from Galyavision

Initial impact is 5. Great picture. I like how you framed it. Nice colors and contrast. Texture is great- makes it look more artistic.

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 Comment Written 01-Sep-2011

reply by the author on 02-Sep-2011
    Thank you very much