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To ink or not to ink

Viewing comments for Page 13 "Little Rock 1957"
a collection of ink marker drawings in 2011

70 total reviews 
Comment from esgjag

Most would say Brown vs the board of education is what brought de-segregation of the schools. History tells us the Supreme Courts use the case that was won by a Mexican man who fought for his children to have equal access in Garden Grove California as precedence. So brown vs board of education was merely a formality. Great work of art.

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    yes that is why when i set up the contest, i left it open for all races. lets face it this country has progress of the backs of all immigrants. just depends who in charge of the house huh?..thank you so much for taking your valuable time in gving me this great reveiw.
reply by esgjag on 14-Nov-2011
    LOL the system is always in charge of the house. The systems divides us by making us believe one is better than the other. If we just look we will see we all like issues.
reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    i look at this country kinda like family. we might bitch about one another...but if someone outside the family (country) attacks one, they find out that will be the onetime the family will unify . sound familiar?
Comment from lyncia2005

Great tribute.
I was born in the 70s and have heard the stories, this shows the emotions of the time.
Great colors. Nicely composed.
Great piece!

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    i was in the army in the 70' man now i fell old i was around and have some stories to tell but i dont want to see any zzzzzzzzz's coming back from the i am so glad that you have enjoyed this peice, and i want to thank you for taking time in your busy schedule for giving me this great reveiw!
Comment from Watercoloursmleboeuf

Great tribute and story! Love the light and bold colors you've incorporated. Excellent detail in the dresses, building and surroundings. You've created the mood well with their expressions.

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    oh my favorite lady of many colors, it means a lot to me with this excellent reveiw that you have given me. Now you see why i make comments about how well your backgrounds will bring out the focal point. which you do so well yourself..wink.. I am so glad that you have enjoyed this and really appreciate you taking time from your busy schedule for giving me this great reveiw! By the way you gonna try the contest? i set up the deadline on MLK day. I think you can give us a run for our money! eh?
reply by Watercoloursmleboeuf on 14-Nov-2011
    You're very welcome! This is a great piece and I certainly don't mind taking some time to review your wonderful work. I appreciate your confidence in me:), not sure if I will enter the contest. I always forget to enter them when I post my work. I don't usually do a piece specifically for a contest, but I should definitely try that:) Michelle
reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    well this subject is so wide open, you can pick just about any nationality but you dont have to the people itself but what could represent, example maybe a shack out in the middle of the cotton field or indians tepee (think i am spelling it right) or maybe shrimp boat out on the gulf. the 3 things is gave you so far 1.)shack in cotton feild (black) 2.)tepee(native indians) 3.)shrimp boat (cajun or veitnamnese) i left so much potential there. by your talent that i have seen in the past, i think you can make that challenge. deadline is not until january 16, so you got plenty time to think about it whether you wanna go for it or not. but i have faith in ya...wink
reply by Watercoloursmleboeuf on 14-Nov-2011
    Your suggestions are definitely intriguing! I love your confidence in my work:) I may just have to take you up on this challenge to see what I can come up with:) Michelle
reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    (MUSIC) ill be watching you..... (the police) cant wait!
Comment from jesuel

what a great piece of art the color composition is great the design is perfect great depth and really great subject matter fine work here

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    whoa! that really means a lot to me james! really , i am so glad that you like it. By the way, its me who is doing the sponser for the civil rights contest. with your excellent talent (and sure you could move that peice to sell) i know you will come up with something that could give us all a run for our money. I left it open for all nationalities to be dedicated. I hope you get a chance to join in. I really want to thank you for taking time from your busy schedule in giving me this superb reveiw!
Comment from Lady Katherine

This is definitely a very good story telling painting.
The artwork shows motion and is not static.
The author did his/her best to show the mood and emotions on the face of each character.
Very well done.

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    thank you so much Lady Katherine (bowing and kissing hand) I really do want to thank you for taking time from your busy schedule in giving me this excellent reveiw. I am so glad that you enjoyed it.
Comment from Abs8art

Very nice, you have captured the fear in Elizabeth's face, and the determination that overpowered that fear. Very nice

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    im glad you caught that! nice! thank you so much for giving me your time and this great reveiw!
Comment from 4 I AM

Very well done and said.
composition is good,
intial impact very good.
color tones good,
center of interest good,
technique good,
pic bio excellant. 4 I AM
You don't have to teach a baby to be selfish, but you do to be predudice.

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011
    oh hell yes! well said bro! i was working with a couple guys who pissed and moaned about each other all the time (one white and other black) i turned to them and said.."dammit i really cant tell the difference between either one of you other than a tan, but you both act just alike..get over it!" thank you so much for you taking time from your busy schedule in giving me this great reveiw!
reply by 4 I AM on 14-Nov-2011
    if they spent that energy, doing something productive,like vounteering anywhere, their biased opinions would melt away, in the doing of good.
reply by the author on 14-Nov-2011 got that right!
Comment from Sam S

You have captured the emotions of the times very well. Nicely composed. Good image using the clothing of the time. Good artist notes. Well done. Thanks for sharing. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2011
    thank you so much sam! i really do appreciate you taking time from your busy schedule for giving me this great reveiw!
Comment from wallypete

You've done a wonderful technical work here, but more importantly you're telling a story that needs to be told. To be honest, I was raised in a very prejudicial family, and certainly dealt with my fair share of it until I started dating the young lady that is now my wife ( of 49 years. She wouldn't put up with it, and hanging on to her was far more important to me than the only other choice.

On a personal note, we adopted our only child 43 years ago, and as far as any one of the three of us is concerned, that's the end of that! He's our son and we're his parents. 'Nough said! It's refreshing to hear someone referring to their spouse as their best friend. We definitely qualify for that. The honeymoon goes on and on. Thanks for sharing this.

 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2011
    thank you wallypete....let you in on this...i was adopted at the age of 7 far as im concern my adopted parents ARE my parents period. lets see daym that was 47 years ago...wild huh? wait you wouldnt happen to be living in alabama? nah i was just curious...I want to thank you for not only sharing your thoughts with me but also for that Fantastic reveiw that you have given me. I do feel honored!
Comment from Anne

This is awesome the way you have done it. I remember well what all these young students had to endue when they started school. It took a long time and a lot of hurt for the South to totally interrogate the schools. I was teaching at the time outside of Columbia, SC. You have captured well the looks of hate and the way people insulted these student. The detail and the coloring in this is fantastic. You even made the clothes look like they did back then. At least the pants fit and no skin tight clothes with body parts hanging out were seen then. An excellent work of art in every way

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 Comment Written 13-Nov-2011

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2011
    picking myself up off the! i expected a lil chit chat from people but that really floored me. You said it the way i drew it. yeah i was around then but in a defferent scene though. I am from the mississippi delta (mostly black) when intergration starting in mississippi 1968, from that time most of the time thru school i was the only white boy in the class. I used to hear it to "hey whitebread how come you aint in private school like the other white boys" you know what i would say back?..i would smile and say" because i want to be here with you" freaks them out and kept me from getting my butt whooped.. i did however got a lil repreive i spent 4 years in military academy which a few blacks there then. but when i went back to public schools they would say i heard you wsa in private school, i go yeah military academy...and they would say oh i see you ok then...go am so honored over your great reveiw and thank you so very very much!