Reviews from

Grass....and Sunrays

The sun that made the grass even greener.

3 total reviews 
Comment from ramonafrances

Sure hate to spoil your fun with my critique. You certainly have a point but from a photographic critic's point of view, my view gives a different twist. Be careful using a point-and-shoot camera(Iphone?) into the sun. It is an excellent way to burn-out its built-in sensor. In this photo of the lawn, you have an undesirable lens glare (the circular patch) that distorts true color.

 Comment Written 05-Dec-2011

Comment from Intrepid

The low setting sun is actually casting a glare on the photograph. Also the grass needs to be sharper in focus. There needs to be more light to really show off the green color in the grass for a seeing green contest.

 Comment Written 05-Dec-2011

Comment from KayleighMay

nicely captured, good composition, Love how the suns rays created a leading line.
beautiful colour. the golden tones create such a warmth.

 Comment Written 05-Dec-2011