Reviews from

a small church in Normandy


37 total reviews 
Comment from thood907

What a beautiful building. The composition, colors and lighting work well together. The flowers in the foreground set off the building nicely. This does appear a bit over saturated on my monitor.

 Comment Written 30-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 31-Dec-2012
Comment from fotograzio

Lovely composition and good choice for a subject to shoot. Well balanced placement of the flowers, trees and sky to draw the focus to the church. The images has a slight cyan cast to it which can easily be corrected using levels in Photoshop (if you use the program). Nice job!

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 Comment Written 30-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2012
Comment from mkaykuhlman

Very picturesque of this church in france. I love the architecture and the beautiful landscaping. strong center of interest. good content, clarity and lighting.

 Comment Written 30-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2012
    thank you
Comment from Phyllis Stewart

This is a nicely composed shot of a pretty little church. The reds in the flowers are a nice touch of color, but that sky color has definitely been changed to an unnatural turquoise. Skies never look like that, and it appears that the bluish roof got sucked into the blue saturation as well. Change the sky color to more blue and less cyan and you'll have a very nice picture.

Tweaking of colors should serve to enhance the natural tones, not to make them garish or strange, UNLESS you're trying to create something psychelic for a specific reason. I doubt that was your intention.

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2012
    thanks; just a special setting of my compact camera called "expressive"; some people like...
Comment from Kenneth Dinkel

An inspiring work that opens the imagination of the viewer with charm and appeal. Great depth in this work.

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2012
    thanks so much
Comment from naturetown

very nice composition of the church and its surrounding. focus is well with lots of details thanks for sharing the photograph

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2012
    many thanks
Comment from Catherine1970

What a sweet church! Love the coloring of your photo, makes me long for spring again.
Good blue sky, with a smattering of puffy clouds.
Nice foliage, good pastel coloring. Lighting is good, good shine to the roof. Good texture to the siding of the wall of the church. Crop is good and overall presentation, well done! Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2012
    many thanks Catherine
Comment from NEX-7

this is a really nice shot. Very nice DOF. Everything is sharp and in focus. Light balance is good. all the colors seem nice and vibrant. well done

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2012
Comment from Always-smile

Absolutely a beautiful architecture photo. The church is small but is very nice looking and the flowers around make the view much more appealing. The color of the sky with the fluffy clouds is very soothing .. The image is very clear. A very well taken photo indeed..

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2012
    welcome back; glad that a church make you smile;lol; many thanks for your comments and high rating
Comment from Geokat

A wonderful image. Exceptionally well focused with tremendous detail. A nice color and texture in the bricks with a great contrast in color with the roof and the sky. Flowers in the foreground are brilliant and add a nice element to the image.

 Comment Written 29-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2012
    thanks a lot for your kind comments