Reviews from

Let's Get Stoned


7 total reviews 
Comment from suenethery

Cool art piece. I like the technique you used as always. I like the color choices. I like the expression. Bravo again my friend. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 10-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 15-Apr-2014
    Glad you like my weird works. LOL
Comment from jerrid

Lol she look stoned lol! I know if u look at her you will turn to stone but lol she look like she is high with snakes in her hair!
This is yet another awesome picture and I am sad because I won't be able to see your work on fan art!
awesome job with this picture. I love it and it would not let me give you 6 stars because I gave 6 star review from the past 30 days and that sucks! But good luck and who knows I just might see ur work in a museum one day!

 Comment Written 03-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2013
    thanks Jerrid. glad you liked this one. I just finished another rather odd piece and that's when I r4ealized how much I'm going to miss this place, did the paimting but no one to share it with. I'm still ending my work to you few on here that have said you's stay in touch. I still need all the critiques and positve remarks as well, as I can get.
    thanks jerrid
reply by jerrid on 05-Feb-2013
    I think everyone need positive feedback instead of the rude remarks about a picture! People seen to forget the hard work that goes into a painting, drawing and taking the right picture. Some people on this site can't afford the type of software they got so they have to work with what they have. I am one of the peeps! Its good to tell someone how they can work on their pictures but be kind about it because thats how we learn. But for peeps just to be cold about it is wrong and with them doing that is scaring people off this site and they got talent! Like I said you got skills I wish I had! Oh yeah 4 sure we will keep in touch!
    May God Bless you always!
Comment from donkeyoatey

So sorry to see you go, but I do understand. I too like the eyes, certainly compelling and odd! title gave me a whale of a laugh, and You will be missed! Donkeyoatey

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2013
    gave me one of your sixes wow! I am going tomiss alot about this site and I am so glad that you understand why I'm leaving. Ihope we do stay in touch because it would be ashmae ot lose the freinds I've made on here
    thanks for the review and high rating
reply by donkeyoatey on 02-Feb-2013
    We will my friend!Donkeyoatey
Comment from Angelheart The First

Hey girl,
I love this face and the "china doll" look you gave to it.Those eyes are real
winners too.The hair is wild,
the whole thing is wild!
I will miss your posts and you
but at least that doesn't change the fact that we are bff's.
Later Cincinnati~

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2013
    what no six! lolololol
reply by Angelheart The First on 03-Feb-2013
    Hey there,where was I supposed to get it?? Disn't have any to give you :) were supposed me yesterday?
Comment from cleo85

Well, she looks stoned, either she is or she is going to change someone into stone. With those eyes I believe in the later. All those snakes in the hear it must be a modern Medusa and that green star is surely able to exchange someone to granite. But don't worry, looks as if Peruses already killed her and the head is on display.

 Comment Written 01-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2013
    LOL you always crack me up with the swing yu put on my odd paintings. I am going to miss that about you, however even if you don't want it, your still going to get my art sent to you especailly these weird ones, your knowledge amazes me.
    thanks so much for the review and smile
reply by cleo85 on 02-Feb-2013
    You're most welcome. I will wait for those pictures, especially the wired ones. But be aware, I will be as critical as always! I am still in San Antonio and a bit too much off line and in time pressure. Send you an e-mail shortly to the new e-mail address.
reply by the author on 02-Feb-2013
    I stil need those critques, that's the thing that I hate about leaving the site. I need others input to learn. its a bit hard to critique yur own work especailly because I see everything as wrong and I never know when it's done.
    thanks again cleo
reply by cleo85 on 03-Feb-2013
    I'll be there :-)
    You will be missed on the site.
Comment from Doris1022

That is a strange medusa. linkah why are you leaving the site? don't like the snakes....not for my psychi. lol

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2013
    lol I hate snakes too and after paitnings this had nightmares about them LOL, just another weird painting that I had to do on my way out...had to leave with an impression, something my momma' always taught me..just kidding. I'll message you with why I'm leaving. I did leave my email address, hope that you'll stay in touch Doris, it's been nice getting reviews from you. there are many on here I'll miss and you are one.
    thanks for this review and the laugh
Comment from Jake'sstudio

A very effective story telling piece, Lynn. Very well composed with bold bright colors well highlighted and rich dark tones for depth and texture. Well framed to contain all the activity here. This is a VERY well done piece of art. Thanks for sharing your fine work with us.

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2013
    thanks Jake glad you enjoyed this, had nightmares about snakes after this one LOL something I just had to paint however LOL