Reviews from

Barbie dolls for adults

Japanese girls

28 total reviews 
Comment from drmerlin

This is certainly an interesting subject for a photograph. Well spotted. However, there are a number of problems here. As I am sure you will recognise, the light was not great resulting in a somewhat flat result. The available light has resulted in highlights and shadows that are distracting. This needed some flash to balance the light a bit better.

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 Comment Written 14-May-2013

reply by the author on 14-May-2013
Comment from bellamahri

An interesting pair of girls in pink.
Are these full grown women?
Great facial features detail and colors.
Thank you for sharing!

 Comment Written 14-May-2013

reply by the author on 14-May-2013
    many thanks; they are adults
Comment from adrianart

Crazy is right it seems that Japan don't care what they look like and what other people say about them.

Talk about Barbie dolls, the colours, the outfit in fact everything screams it, talk about in the pink!

 Comment Written 14-May-2013

reply by the author on 14-May-2013
    thanks so much aghain
Comment from sonshine

Lol's..I love it, Supergold! yes, they are diffently for big boys..I really love seeing all the smiles and other looks that they are getting and that you got in your shot.. All the details, colors, and whatever else all came out sharp, clear and natural looking;) Great job, Supergold..thank you for sharing it with us!

 Comment Written 14-May-2013

reply by the author on 14-May-2013
    many thanks Cindy
reply by sonshine on 14-May-2013
    You're welcome, supergold;)
Comment from Zilyram

They are so georgeous we saw a lot of these girls in Harajuku Station where they dress up in the most unusual outfits. Great lighting, focus and colour for this shot.

 Comment Written 11-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 11-Mar-2013
    many thanks Mary; this is the same place, the station which deserves Takeshita road
Comment from DavidP

Leave it to you Fred to find this special type of Barbie doll!! haha I'm sure you can find them in just about any big city. Interesting shot and these two girls seem to be attracting a bit of attention from the onlookers including yourself. ha Certainly a different kind of people shot but interesting!

 Comment Written 10-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 10-Mar-2013
    thanks a lot again
Comment from willie

Nice shot!
I really do like this one! I would like to play with these Barbie dolls! LOL! My wife would kill me!!
This is rather interesting. I bet you enjoyed this trip!

 Comment Written 10-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 10-Mar-2013
    many thanks willie; as I said, they are for big boys like you and me
Comment from Cassandra01

Ha! I can only imagine how halirious this was to behold esp in Tokyo! They are completely cotton candy pink. Great shot!

 Comment Written 09-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 09-Mar-2013
    many thanks again
Comment from Lynnette Smallwood

What a sad statement of society. I hope they were going to a costume party and not the result of corporate brain washing. Thanks for showing the world their stupidity.

 Comment Written 09-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 09-Mar-2013
    agree with you, but there are hundreds of such girls in Tokyo, it is their usual daily cloths
Comment from WendyG

Lol, they are quite the pair in the their pink dresses Fred, everything pink, you couldn't miss them! Excellent shot with excellent techs all around:)

 Comment Written 09-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 09-Mar-2013
    many thanks wendy; impossible to miss them