Reviews from

Land and Sea

Viewing comments for Page 22 "215,075 Shades of Green"
land and seascapes

55 total reviews 
Comment from Dodgy23

That's a lot of shades of green lol , I like the simplicity of this image it just seems to work well ,I like the subtle touches with the misty hills in the background and the little flowers in the foreground ,the picture has a calming effect to it ,good work

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 21-Nov-2014
    Dodgy, thank you so very very much! :)MW
Comment from Lmsmith

This is beautiful. Gives such a feeling of peace and serenity. Great initial impact. Lovely hues of greens. Love the little lilypads and flowers in the background. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 21-Nov-2014
    LM, thank you! :)MW
reply by Lmsmith on 21-Nov-2014
    You are welcome.
Comment from moonrabbit

I have to agree on your choice of tree, the willow is a favourite of mine too. The willow casts a dream like spell on me, which is echoed in this painting. Great art!

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 21-Nov-2014
    Moonrabbit, thank you so very very much! :)MW
Comment from Sange

Beautifulous Shawny Girl!
Love the greens and the weeping willow tree.
A magical dreamy view that lows us to dream away and get lost in this fab scene.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2014
    Thank you, Sange!! :)
Comment from albert65

beautiful job of art digital
excellent texture
good color
good frame.
good initial impact
good depth
very nice presentation
good job

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2014
    Albert, thank you ever so much. :)MW
Comment from Sessybon

What a wonderful combination of every green you could wish for. I love the highlights of color provided by the water lilies and the purple flowers on the bank. The main willow grabs your attention and then your eye travels to the lonely tree (possibly a Japanese White Pine?) on the horizon and out into the misty mountains. Great differences in texture. A really good feeling of depth to this picture. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2014
    Sessy, thank you so very very much! You're right... the tree in the background DOES look like a little bonsai pine. LOL. It wasn't intentional. lol. Almost everything I do, people will mention that it has an oriental flair or a fantasy flair. Maybe my birth signs have something to do with it... I'm a Pisces, born in the Chinese year of the dragon. LOL. It's really kind of spooky to think that would have anything to do with my art though. Again, thank you for the beautiful comments! :)shawn
reply by Sessybon on 21-Nov-2014
    A watery green dragon hey? Well I'm Libra and a Fire Horse so what the heck does that make me - well balanced but a bit hot under the collar?? LOL Regards Sessy
Comment from Regina E.H-Ariel

A very beautiful composition with some touch of magic mystic and misty ambiance at the same time - your created a kind like dream scene, beautiful from view point, special in soft color range and perfect combination for this contest's entry , excellent soft and harmonious general impact , great use of space allowing to imagine the continuation of this scene beyond the frame - super detail work - beautiful job, thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 21-Nov-2014
    Regina, thank you ever so much!! :)shawn
Comment from M. Celeste

Beautiful creation! Love the way you displayed the different greens. Very pretty purple flowers to give it a pop of color. Wonderful work!

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 21-Nov-2014
    MC, thank you so very very much! :)MW
Comment from Mollie213

Excellent digital art.
I too love willow trees and played in and under one all my childhood. They are perfect for games.
Your colors are just beautiful.
I love the dark green at the top which fades out into other shades. I think the many shades of green are simple gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2014
    Mollie, thank you ever so much. And I thank you sincerely for the wonderful rating! Very very much appreciated. :)MW
Comment from jesuel

What a beautiful piece of art moon willow the color composition is great the depth and perspective are great beautiful work here

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2014
    Thank you, James!! :)shawn