Reviews from

see my black tongue

asian hornet

26 total reviews 
Comment from Linda Bickston

You have given this hornet a personality. One of bravado, and curiosity. The clarity and focus is perfect. I really admire your excellent ability to bring things up close and personal.

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2016
    thanks a lot linda
Comment from tinkabelle

Awesome macro! Great angle. Insects can make for some interesting subjects. I like the light highlighting it's eye, makes it look just that little bit more menacing. Love it. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2016
    thanks a lot again
Comment from Sumserfield

I love how close you took this picture. It's so detailed and in the wasp's face. Great job. Thanks for the story blurb, too.

I wish the legs were a little bit more in focus though. It would have added a lot to the image in my opinion.

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The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2016
    impossible! thanks
Comment from mamamary

He is quite the handsome devil. I like his coloring. The color of what he is standing on helps his color pop. Is that an eye in the middle of his head? It really looks like it. All technical aspects are excellent.

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2016
    many thanks again
Comment from Steve Hanulec

This is a very tight shot, to me, it looks like another insect is sitting on the head of the hornet! Nice colors for a "meanie!" insect. Not something I would want to tangle with...Thanks...Steve H.

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 05-Feb-2016
    many thanks Steve for your nice comments and high rating, unfortunately discarded on this stupid site...
reply by Steve Hanulec on 05-Feb-2016
    Why? Not enough tech-talk?? sorry...Steve H.
reply by the author on 05-Feb-2016
    this is an idea of Tom, who decided to discard the lowest and highest rate after 10 reviews: a stupid idea, especially since 5 1/2 is discarded even if I have a 6 !
reply by Steve Hanulec on 05-Feb-2016
    Is this a common practice?, I hope not...this isn't a miss America pageant!
Comment from GaliaG

Ugly and scary, but amazing shot with excellent focus, light handling, colors and creativity

excellent technique and initial impact

thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 05-Feb-2016
    toda raba
Comment from EDBD1

A bit creepy, it is so in my face! Super nice use of blur to direct my eye, and great detail and sharpness where it matters! I do not care much for critters like this, but the shot is amazing!

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 05-Feb-2016
    thanks so much
Comment from Jack Moore

Sometimes I just wonder how do you get these hornets or other bugs that you have posted to just sit still and have their picture taken. This is a very nice macro job and the background really makes him stand out . Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing. JackJr.

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 05-Feb-2016
    tanks so much Jack; he was sitting for a long time: dead
Comment from Sange

Holy Hornet Macro Fred!
Very nice camera work here Dude!
Nice clarity, details and exposure.
Great shot and one I would only take using my 300 lens!!!

 Comment Written 04-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2016
    thanks a lot Sandra;
    no need to worry: when the specialized team took the nest down (it was at about 12 meters in a tree) there was a single dead hornet inside.....
Comment from foxangie123

Another just amazing pieces of work. You capture the most unique pictures and make them your own. Bravo and pure excellence. Hey, I can't get my pics to go to the email the site gave. Can you help? It works then doesn't. Listen you rock this...

 Comment Written 04-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2016
    thanks so much again; I post directly under the title post: no idea what problem you have;