Reviews from

Brazilian dentist

in Rio de Janeiro

16 total reviews 
Comment from iPhone7

A nice photo of this museum piece. One does not find this type of humorous creation often in our world today. This is a good reminder of our true innocence and appreciation for simple humor and the things that give us pleasure. Thanks Fred ~ Steve

 Comment Written 23-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 23-Mar-2016
    many thanks steve
Comment from Sange

Ha! I am happy to report our Dental Equipment is fairly new as we moved into a brand new office 10 yrs ago. Our old office looked like this! PFFT!
Nice find and capture Fred, seems I am always on your mind as you travel. :)

 Comment Written 23-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 23-Mar-2016
    thanks a lot Sandra;
    it was taken many years ago, before joining this site; I have a collection of funny pics....
Comment from Lilibug6

LOL. ..this looks painful :) IT is a very cool statue though!Hopefully dentistry has come a long way there from this:) The focus is excellent! The colors are fantastic! The lighting and presentation are very good! Well done and thanks for sharing! Lori

 Comment Written 23-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 23-Mar-2016
    thanks a lot again
reply by Lilibug6 on 23-Mar-2016
    You are very welcome! Lori
Comment from T.davisartsandcrafts

This is funny. I thought is was clay figures not a photograph. I have to go to the dentist next week and that won't be too funny. Did you photograph a clay figure or create this. It's so cute. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2016
    thanks s much; it was in a museum in Rio
Comment from CBL Photography

Fantastic little clay piece here. Great details and well framed. Good lighting and really just a fun photo until you think about actually having to go visit the dentist.

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2016
    thanks a lot carol for your nice comments;
Comment from momentsofjoy7351

You really do come across the most fun images to photograph! Was there a time frame associated with this image? Circa 1910 perhaps. LOL. Great techs on the snap my friend, thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2016
    no idea; thanks so much again Debi
Comment from BENSIMO2010

excellent photography, high quality of image, also beautiful scene here of Brazilian dentist, also I like creation here, I need more information about you took this picture from where , and the creation we see in this photo this is what exactly, because is so awesome, inspiration , idea who created this oeuvre I know is ina statue in a museum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2016
    many thanks
reply by BENSIMO2010 on 22-Mar-2016
    no problem
reply by BENSIMO2010 on 22-Mar-2016
    You are welcome
Comment from Lolly Cardinal

Nice photo. Very clear, detailed and centered picture. Details all very clear. Colors very clear and shadows in proper places. In all very pleasant picture and nice eye viewer.
Thanks for showing. Congratulations and Good Luck.

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2016
    thanks a lot lolly
Comment from Bernadette Ballarin

That is so cool! I love South American art and this is definitely one of those pieces that has humour and satire rolled into one. Probably worth a small fortune at this stage. Thanks for showing us. Think it's great.

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 21-Mar-2016
    thanks a lot Bernadette
Comment from dalebraatz

What a wonderful first impression, Like the details and depth and very good colors, very good story telling ability. Thank you for sharing. dale

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 21-Mar-2016
    many thanks Dale