Into the Landscape
Entering the desert.14 total reviews
Comment from michiganmike
A very nice painting with fantastic colors and good shading on the horse. I like the sunrise behind the mountains and the way it throws the shadows forward.
reply by the author on 03-Nov-2019
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A very nice painting with fantastic colors and good shading on the horse. I like the sunrise behind the mountains and the way it throws the shadows forward.
Comment Written 22-Oct-2019
reply by the author on 03-Nov-2019
Thank you so much for your very positive review!!
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan
This is a wonderful digital painting of an imaginary landscape. This has an otherworldly look to it! The light and shadows, colours and the composition have worked out well. Good effort!
reply by the author on 03-Nov-2019
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This is a wonderful digital painting of an imaginary landscape. This has an otherworldly look to it! The light and shadows, colours and the composition have worked out well. Good effort!
Comment Written 22-Oct-2019
reply by the author on 03-Nov-2019
Thank you so much; sorry to be so slow in my response...
Comment from David Ruhl
Beautiful work, as always, Daphne! I love the coloring on the horse and sunset. The flowers on the cactus and tree add some nice additional coloring. Well done!
reply by the author on 03-Nov-2019
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Beautiful work, as always, Daphne! I love the coloring on the horse and sunset. The flowers on the cactus and tree add some nice additional coloring. Well done!
Comment Written 21-Oct-2019
reply by the author on 03-Nov-2019
Thank you so much; sorry to be so slow in my response...
Comment from Dick Lee Shia
A neat creation with appealing minimal compositional elements...not much nuances.
Dynamic bird & horse in gorgeous colors...
Vanishing viewpoint lends a greater depth...
It would be nice to balance that yellow flower on the left frame as its already heavy on the right!
Also better to give more space to where the horse is heading...
Thanks for sharing...
reply by the author on 22-Oct-2019
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A neat creation with appealing minimal compositional elements...not much nuances.
Dynamic bird & horse in gorgeous colors...
Vanishing viewpoint lends a greater depth...
It would be nice to balance that yellow flower on the left frame as its already heavy on the right!
Also better to give more space to where the horse is heading...
Thanks for sharing...
Comment Written 21-Oct-2019
reply by the author on 22-Oct-2019
Thank you! How are you doing? Yes I would like to have put a cactus or so on the viewer's left, but that is beach and ocean side so I left it as he is entering the desert landscape that exists on the right....
Comment from cleo85
The gorgeous horse and the bird seem spirits of wind and nature which make the desert bloom. The sunset glow in the background is beautiful. The colors are exquisite. The landscape is excellently composed. Perspective and proportions and the fall of shadows are exact. The landscape is well framed. The composition is balanced.
reply by the author on 03-Nov-2019
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The gorgeous horse and the bird seem spirits of wind and nature which make the desert bloom. The sunset glow in the background is beautiful. The colors are exquisite. The landscape is excellently composed. Perspective and proportions and the fall of shadows are exact. The landscape is well framed. The composition is balanced.
Comment Written 21-Oct-2019
reply by the author on 03-Nov-2019
Thank you so much; sorry to be so late with my response...
You're very welcome. :o)
Don't worry I am, often late with my responses also. :o)
Comment from Shadow catcher
This is another beautiful image of this gorgeous horse.Love the sunset colors and the subtle shadows on the desert sand.Always a pleasure to view these!
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2019
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This is another beautiful image of this gorgeous horse.Love the sunset colors and the subtle shadows on the desert sand.Always a pleasure to view these!
Comment Written 07-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2019
Thank you so much!
Comment from Envision
I really enjoy this color combination for the sunset and the way you create such attractive light on the horizon. Your placement of the horse gives the landscape a lovely depth. The horse and the bird look great.
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2019
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I really enjoy this color combination for the sunset and the way you create such attractive light on the horizon. Your placement of the horse gives the landscape a lovely depth. The horse and the bird look great.
Comment Written 05-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2019
Thank you so much!
Comment from GaliaG
sweet and romantic
nice technique, imagination and creativity
good use of colors and light
good luck with the contest and thanks for sharing
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2019
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sweet and romantic
nice technique, imagination and creativity
good use of colors and light
good luck with the contest and thanks for sharing
Comment Written 05-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2019
Thank you so much!
Comment from Renate-Bertodi
I normally don't review digital art, not because I think it is bad, but because I do not know how to guage it as it is not something I have ever done. Yours is of a very high level and I can review the picture for its own merit, gorgeous blue horse and hints at all manner of items. Lovely work.. ps conspiracy theories, I discovered that these gov places put out rumours of all sorts to create confusion to hide their own actions.
reply by the author on 05-Feb-2019
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I normally don't review digital art, not because I think it is bad, but because I do not know how to guage it as it is not something I have ever done. Yours is of a very high level and I can review the picture for its own merit, gorgeous blue horse and hints at all manner of items. Lovely work.. ps conspiracy theories, I discovered that these gov places put out rumours of all sorts to create confusion to hide their own actions.
Comment Written 05-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 05-Feb-2019
Thank you so much for the lovely review! Yes well my friends who claim the military use microwave weapons on them have plastered the inside of their two story farm house w metal reflective sheeting of some kind, and wear these heavy vests and well it has sounded a nightmare that is hard to believe for years! There is a lot more to it but would take pages to write it all down. Good luck on your end! Daphne Oberon
I could write books on the rubbish going on here, but it is tinkering with human bodies as well as other things with a death role, some over 500 straight deaths and many, many more side line deaths, cancers etc It is big but so big that the government would fall if it was opened, and the Government men consider themselves gods, so it is kept secret, so called, in England it is called an ''open secret.'' Actually, I did flee to USA Arkansas for a while, but went to the lawyer /Welsh descent/ to ask for stay, he told me, you have no papers, you are a DP you honestly think a bureacratic gov like USA will give you stay, pack up now - then stories were in our newspapers about camps. I was deported from my country at one years old, internment camps, across Europe, children's homes, refugee camps and did not want to end up in another internment camp. Actually, much later I found out that was not the case, I was retired and was self supporting and could have stayed AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT TAKE THE JOB FROM A USA CITIZEN. I paint mostly and wrote stories and poetry, but I did not know that then, nor did my friends there. Americans are SOOOOOOOOO friendly, in daily life, I couldn't believe it, I have never experienced anything like it, except in China, where I was highly regarded for my skills as a 'exam pusher' teacher.
When you say you were deported from your own country, what country was that? England, Wales ... other? What type of substances are causing the deaths? Daphne Oberon
ah you are new.. I am a ethnic Hungarian. IN 1946 the Russians made an edict that all must return to their own countries. My mother was an austrian citizen, her mother was the daughter of Austrian farmers. The city we had lived in for 3 generations was now called Bratislava,/victory of the Slavs/ formerly Poszon, Hungary, given to the Slovakians by the allies in 1920 in Logano. We were business people, my grandfather owned a tailor's, and we sewed the crombies of the Rich jews in our city and lived with them.Not a substance, they are testing REMOTE.. they did a fair bit of that in Vietnam, but sadly the Brits got into bother for misdemeanors and gross misconduct,/all sorts of bad things, including setting off the security alarms at St Monica beaming over lewdities and citizens private lives, Human Research, there are no laws in UK for that, you have strong laws and yours go to prison for infringements, nine at the moment I believe, so they asked the USA to get them out of trouble. The USA got them a plan but the bossess, who was sleeping with three health Ministry chaps saw how to extend it and create a little kingdom for herself. The got all USA unworkable and outlawed stuff and use it over UK with Kissinger, Weinberger and Vances millions, for one hundred years program, as the stuff can't be tested over there, they are policed. The group here are not operatives, they are vicious criminal maniacs. Sadly, the USA showed them how they could use the remote weaponry and not be caught. Giving heart attacks, destruction of every organ the human has and much, much, more. They use it on highest to lowest, the whole cabinet was on this new lab machine, so they cannot stop them, as they can be killed in a flick of a switch. At the moment they are testing another new thing on me, gnarling all your insides.It is very painful, all their beaming is, but most of all the lung pressure. IN the USA they have to use safety nets, here I quote: we need no safety nets, as we have no law, no one will get us!! It is Auschwitz stuff infact..Sad but very true. I am a former college teacher and you can take my word for it. Terrible, terrible stuff.
Thank you for that. US is pretty bad to though, but it is such a large country that it has bad and good /better pockets of society one might say. I could connect you with a woman in your situation who has implants from CIA I understand, so she can not get away from them. Her father was in the CIA, and I think died young, so this left her a guinea pig for older brothers in military branches of the givernment. She would overwhelm you, and vice versa, so you would not wish to know her! Her husband is also targeted and the inside of their farm house looks like some futuristic movie with reflective paneling to reflect microwave weapons, which are are being "tried out" on them. I realize this is different from your situation, but it is still "evil big brother" manipulations and so on. I wish you could come to the US or go somewhere safe for you... I have my own crazy and "stalked" past, but of a different nature. Blessings! Daphne PS, out of left field, I am not sure if you read my poem on my site -- forgot what I even called it now -- Where Truth Lies Sleeping, I think... I gave it several titles...
because I come from Eastern Europe, a refugee and DP, I try to live life as normally each day as I can. Life is once. That is my only answer as what can I do alone, nothing, we have no law here. Yes, I have heard about the USA thing, and I agree, because it is so large, there is danger there too, as EVERYWHERE, but less so. Someone suggested that the reason all this subterfuge goes on in our western countries is because our laws are so strict, but England has no laws. Here they just die, it is called illness or accident, a few like me from the East, are aware, no many are aware, but no one knows what to do. Do you know, her Majesty also put that over, we do not know what to do about them. Me, I would shoot them, in their own way! I believe as Churchill believed, no good trying to be nice to a devil, you have to give what they understand! Nothing else will work, they thrive on people's goodness and decency. Thank you so much. I tried not to say anything for a long time, as it upsets people, then they are upset with me, and I can do without that. You know, as in Nazi Germany etc people want to believe all is well and runs by their normality! I did go over to the USA but people are loath to sponsor you and the lawyer I saw, a Welshman just told me, you have no papers, do you think a bureacracy like USA will accept you? sell up and go home!! I had bought my self a little place there. Thank you so very much for your insight into this horrible, horrible problem.
it is because of panic, you just don't know how to get out of the situation and talking about it is the only way left. I did not talk for a long, long time, for my children, as in communist countries, if you sat quietly you were sometimes left alone but when I found out it was already too late and how far and wide they were using this terror stuff.. I felt I had to. I would gladly be in touch with her. Do give her my email: furstenzell@googlemail.com... my name is Renate Fekete-Kenny former teacher, and I am told that most european countries are at it, but none as bad as UK. I think if some of us can link up and learn from each other, we might have a united voice, and stop the conspiracy confusions and english purposeful rumours to fudge budge and smudge..and it is a help on a personal level if we can tell each other..
Thank you for sharing your story. I pasted your messages sequentially into a doc and sent it to Vivian and Robert. They have been fearing for their lives for years and I have not heard from them since last summer so will see... Vivian, since her family had military connections, gets in moods where she defends the government and says this is renegades doing this, including a brother who hates her. She is very intelligent but not as steady on as you are. She volunteered to be a guinea pig years ago, and it is like the CIA put implants in her brain or something, as these people communicate with her inside her head she says -- she claims these the government "good guys" trying to protect her from the bad... I don't know what to believe, but at the same time am sure she and her husband and her kids don't invent these theories for fun! They are out in the country with no one around -- out on a farm house. They have moved around but this did not help since Vivian can be tracked remotely. What environment do you live in -- is it in the country or a populated area? D.
no, middle of a city. I would not feel safe in the country. Ah could it have something to do with what she volunteered for. In England they have to try to get your signature as volunteers and what they do is get a dentist signature or hospital signature. The voices in her head could be something else, it is called microsound, a few people know of it, but only some- The over ride sound which is about, it is really for deaf people and you might have heard a car passing sound, but instead you hear words. It is very clever, they even have a huge public advert making a joke of it over here-- doctor doctor I hear voices..etc...it is so dangerous, can you imagine a President saying NO and some maniac and some of these practitioners are maniacs micro sounding it with YES... I think she is scared because of her military connection. Many of these things were tried out on Vietnamese prisoners, so a lot of the military will know aspects of this technology. She needs to get in the know. It is no good running away, this technology is everywhere, tell her to get in touch with people who know, I found out little bit by little bit what gives, now I tell everyone on Facebook. Kissinger is your devil, he is pushing it here and with you over there, Kissinger, Weinberger and Vance..I am aware that technology advances, but unfortunately some of the people using this stuff are criminal lunatics. Also after a while they develop what is called in their trade 'blood lust' They have managed to kill people, no one says anything and get a weird satisfaction from it.
Tell your friend to do the opposite of what they are doing, do not hide, you cannot. I was a member of the women's junior aircorps so understood about co-ordinates, also I taught maths so understood some of the methods they are using, worked out the simple forms of them. They cannot hide, their best weapon to keep living is to talk and tell everyone and listen, or at least to be out there with others - people know research are tinkering, most of your sci fi films are based on things research has tried out, they are not made up at all. When they were just tinkering with us, it was bearable, as we had that in the East..now they destroy us, that is not bearable. Tell her church members if she has any, mix with people, just tell her to select what she tells, first one or two details then more, things will come back explaining to her from ordinary people. China, Russia etc have all done and do these tests; Mankind's answer to the fact that our earth will die and they are looking for anyway to get off it - they allow trampling tests incase someone just by accident discovers something. If you know anyone of a more scientific mind set, try and talk to them as much of this began in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. I could tell you much more, but I have switched off and concentrate on my painting, and just want to live my last years in peace. USA at least advances, UK just uses all test which were disastrous, to put them onto logistics, paid for by Kissinger, as we have no law in this country.
If your friend can get in touch with some students studying micro technology etc tell them what they are experiencing, ask what they think it might be, she might get some answers that way. they are young and still not as secretive as the government departments, however, I would have thought her military friend should know some of the answers, unless they are bottom rung, but even they often hear stuff from above, I suffer but basically know what we are suffering. Kissinger is an evil old c*nt and I rarely swear.
Thank you for all that. I will re read it in a few days as I suffer from overwork, forms of PTSD and overwhelm already and want to make sure I take it all in despite that. I semailed Vivian you contact info. but honestly not sure she and her husband are even still alive -- will see. I was in no position to help, but have been following their struggles for over ten years years -- but lately I now get no response to communication. They were far away out in the Shasta county wilderness on a farm; she would take off and travel all over by train trying to ditch pursuers but they still talk to her in her head etc...... happy painting! Daphne Oberon
Well my friends are apparently alive, and Vivian gave me a rundown I do not fully understand, but it really looks like one brother in particular is behind her persecution. I don't trust the other one either from what I have heard. Her communication mentions something called the Patriot Act. I don't think she is accusing the government in general, just the "bad apples" and her one brother. She has said that the government have been trying to help, not hurt, but she is also biased that way since other than her bad brother, she wants to believe the establishment are well intentioned for the most part... Do you want me to pass on her communication to you although it would be a bit out of context in places? You might recognize the pertinent information... Daphne
hm bad blood in the family. My own brother was manslaughtered by a part of the family we had little to nothing to do with! I am talking of tinkering and destroying humans, which is going on over here, not exactly by governments but with our government's knowledge and USA money, in case they can find some hidden secret to elevate them above all other nations, irrespective of whom they are destroying- but by all means, pass it on, some of it might make sense to her. Sounds to me she needs a good lawyer, as, having lived in USA for a very short time, I know you have an excellent police force, far superior to ours.
Daphne, most humans will try to normalise and logicalise intolerable situations, even the very worst, the humans brain tries to incorporate what ever is going on around him or her. I do that too by trying to live as normally as I can.
Comment from jgrace
Beautiful sunset sky and desert sand. The horse is drawn and painted well and he seems to be very proud with lots of spirit. It's like the bird is leading the way. Great color choices. Enjoyed viewing it. Good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2019
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Beautiful sunset sky and desert sand. The horse is drawn and painted well and he seems to be very proud with lots of spirit. It's like the bird is leading the way. Great color choices. Enjoyed viewing it. Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 05-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2019
Thank you so much!