A few Suits and Trumps
A Collage of Oracle Cards10 total reviews
Comment from Brendaartwork18
I can see a lot of work here. Very attractive each complimentary to the others ... the set is going to be a special. You are very tallented to greate such a challenging orojext
reply by the author on 14-Nov-2022
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I can see a lot of work here. Very attractive each complimentary to the others ... the set is going to be a special. You are very tallented to greate such a challenging orojext
Comment Written 24-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 14-Nov-2022
Thank you so much for your very kind review in the mist of all your challenges and my extreme apologies for taking so long to reply-- I got derailed on FAR!
Comment from avmurray
I really like the collage you have created Daphne, and it is when I see more than one card I realize how great this deck of cards must look. Even if I only see parts of each card, I am sure they all look great.
Really like this.
reply by the author on 23-Oct-2022
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I really like the collage you have created Daphne, and it is when I see more than one card I realize how great this deck of cards must look. Even if I only see parts of each card, I am sure they all look great.
Really like this.
Comment Written 23-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 23-Oct-2022
Thank you so kindly for your encouraging review! If I have not shared this before, you might be interested in these books and videos that I have presently not done anything with... Victoria Auberon is the name I am using for my fiction to keep it apart from the name, Daphne Oberon that appears in the awful Guatemala film.. (Victoria.auberon.org mentioned in the header wants $300.00 to renew the paid site so I am going to have to let it laps back to a free site. The prices for these sites have gone way up! I think the hosts must be trying to make up for shortfalls caused by the pandemic, lo... I am going to pay for the renewal of the Xlibris site below however, that might interest you...) You might enjoy the 2 videos (if you have not seen them before). The one for The Ghost Tree was done with cellphone clips during the pandemic.... the horse story video for my historical fiction based in Mexico was recorded in a studio. I did the artwork and technical creation of videos. The stories are mine, the voice over is NOT mine, and a few years ago I incorporated some collaboration of suggestions on color and layout from our artist friend, Vincent Orsini. ( ttps://www.victoriaauberonbooks.com
You are more than welcome Daphne, and I will for sure have a look at the site.
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan
I have no clue about the Oracle cards. I like how you have displayed them in a balanced and artistic way. I like the colours and the textures you have created. All these make it interesting to view. Thanks for sharing!
reply by the author on 23-Oct-2022
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I have no clue about the Oracle cards. I like how you have displayed them in a balanced and artistic way. I like the colours and the textures you have created. All these make it interesting to view. Thanks for sharing!
Comment Written 23-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 23-Oct-2022
Thank you very much for your kind review! You might find these books and videos that I am presently at a stop on, interesting... Victoria.auberon.org wants $300.00 to renew the paid site so I am going to have to let it laps back to a free site. The prices for these sites have gone way up. I think the hosts are trying to make up for shortfalls caused by the pandemic. (I am going to pay for the renewal of the Xlibris site however...) you might like the videos. The one for The Ghost tree was done with cellphone clips during the pandemic.... the horse story video was recorded in a studio. I did all the art work and creation of videos and story other than the voice over with some collaboration of suggestions on color and layout from Vincent Orsini (Mr. Jones on FAR.) There are intentional pauses in places that are not suggesting the end -- it is necessary to follow the red line to know if you have come to the end... ttps://www.victoriaauberonbooks.com
Comment from Glena Jessee-King
Fine lettering. I really like the horse and the one that is a pony. Some other fine features. The borders are fine. The symbolism is fine. Again, I don't like the vegetation work as well.
reply by the author on 23-Oct-2022
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Fine lettering. I really like the horse and the one that is a pony. Some other fine features. The borders are fine. The symbolism is fine. Again, I don't like the vegetation work as well.
Comment Written 22-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 23-Oct-2022
Thank you very much for your kind review! If you like my more "romantic style art" you might like these books and videos that I am presently at a stop on... Victoria.auberon.org wants $300.00 to renew the paid site so I am going to have to let it laps back to a free site. The prices for these sites have gone way up. I think the hosts are trying to make up for shortfalls caused by the pandemic. (I am going to pay for the renewal of the Xlibris site however...) you might like the videos. The one for The Ghost tree was done with cellphone clips during the pandemic.... the horse story video was recorded in a studio. I did all the art work and creation of videos and story other than the voice over with some collaboration of suggestions on color and layout from Vincent Orsini (Mr. Jones on FAR.) There are intentional pauses in places that are not suggesting the end -- you have to follow the red line to know if you have come to the end... ttps://www.victoriaauberonbooks.com
Welcome. You had better believe I'd like to see the above videos. But, getting the time, in the midst of illness...I will copy and paste so that I may. Look forward to seeing, reading more of your work when possible.
Welcome. You had better believe I%27d like to see the above videos. But%2C getting the time%2C in the midst of illness...I will copy and paste so that I may. Look forward to seeing%2C reading more of your work when possible.
Also, I have found Xlibris to be very honest. When I couldn't go with them after all, they refunded most of my money.
Welcome. You had better believe I%27d like to see the above videos. But%2C getting the time%2C in the midst of illness...I will copy and paste so that I may. Look forward to seeing%2C reading more of your work when possible.
In what year did Xlibris treat you well??? I experienced a nightmare with them! But I think it can depend on what staff you happen to connect with...
I wish you well! Do I understand that you are struggling with a nerve virus like shingles? If so, the amino acid l-lysine can be very helpful... A medical infectious disease specialist recommended I treat myself with it when I got herpes from a patient when doing private nursing years ago. It really worked! Blessings to you!
Oh sure, you have a whole lot of stuff; I see, well so do I, diabetes also, fibromuscualr dysplasia of the arteries since forever; I should have died in 2016 because my pancreas started digesting itself I think as an autoimmune reaction, and it did digest a third of itself; I was put in a medically induced coma for 8 days for that, during which time my lungs collapsed, I stayed in the hospital a total of 28 days; they did not want to discharge me but I said I would die of starvation if I remained.... I was intubated for breathing -- I have had asthma too... I could go on. You know how it is! But I stopped every form of sugar, dumped a narcissistic husband who expected me to still handle everything even if more than half dead and so on. Now, facing my 70th birthday next June (I can't believe it!) I run a quarter mile out on a grassy common about 4 days a week and live a VERY careful lifestyle! In my case I have also been helped by a homepathic practitioner who cleared up my asthma and general stuff. She is also a health psychic, and I think that helps her be so good at what she does. She finds a person's constitutional type -- in my case she calls me a "salt person." That is the first thing she does, then she gives her patient's increasing amounts of their constitutional that activates the body to heal itself. The challenge being that her therapy brings on the problem so the body can heal the malady the right way -- some process of cure. She is British but has been in Southern California for years treating celebrities. Unfortunately, she is retiring and not taking on more patients now. And also I don't know how many mainstream homeopathic practitioners have anything like the skill she has, but there must be some somewhere! Probably without her counsel I would not have made it through.... anyway, lets keep in touch! Juggling physical symptoms can be so challenging. Good health to you! xo
Comment from Way West
I like this collage of your cards as it gives us a well detailed look at all of your pretty artwork showcased together. The colors are lovely and your attention to detail is apparent. Beautiful work, thanks for sharing!
reply by the author on 23-Oct-2022
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I like this collage of your cards as it gives us a well detailed look at all of your pretty artwork showcased together. The colors are lovely and your attention to detail is apparent. Beautiful work, thanks for sharing!
Comment Written 22-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 23-Oct-2022
Thank you very much for your kind review! You might like these books and videos that I am presently at a stop on... Victoria.auberon.org wants $300.00 to renew the paid site so I am going to have to let it laps back to a free site. The prices for these sites have gone way up. I think the hosts are trying to make up for shortfalls caused by the pandemic. (I am going to pay for the renewal of the Xlibris site however...) you might like the videos. The one for The Ghost tree was done with cellphone clips during the pandemic.... the horse story video was recorded in a studio. I did all the art work and creation of videos and story other than the voice over with some collaboration of suggestions on color and layout from Vincent Orsini (Mr. Jones on FAR.) There are intentional pauses in places that are not suggesting the end -- it is necessary to follow the red line to know if you have come to the end... ttps://www.victoriaauberonbooks.com
Comment from jesuel
what a great piece of digital art that you have created here you certainly have a new take on playing cards both creative and unique beautiful work here
reply by the author on 23-Oct-2022
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what a great piece of digital art that you have created here you certainly have a new take on playing cards both creative and unique beautiful work here
Comment Written 22-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 23-Oct-2022
Thank you very much for your kind review! You might be a reviewer who would like these books and videos that I am presently at a stop on... Victoria.auberon.org wants $300.00 to renew the paid site so I am going to have to let it laps back to a free site. The prices for these sites have gone way up. I think the hosts are trying to make up for shortfalls caused by the pandemic. (I am going to pay for the renewal of the Xlibris site however...) you might like the videos. The one for The Ghost tree was done with cellphone clips during the pandemic.... the horse story video was recorded in a studio. I did all the art work and creation of videos and story other than the voice over with some collaboration of suggestions on color and layout from Vincent Orsini (Mr. Jones on FAR.) There are intentional pauses in places that are not suggesting the end -- it is necessary to follow the red line to know if you have come to the end... ttps://www.victoriaauberonbooks.com
Comment from nikman
A good looking image posted here! Your fine, full and appropriate composition offers us an enjoyable view of those attractive cards. Wonder what is on the other side and what an oracle card is? Well created!
reply by the author on 22-Oct-2022
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A good looking image posted here! Your fine, full and appropriate composition offers us an enjoyable view of those attractive cards. Wonder what is on the other side and what an oracle card is? Well created!
Comment Written 22-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 22-Oct-2022
Thank you very much for your kind review! I will explain that I got set up with the template for the cards because someone wanted me to design a set of fortune telling cards, called Oracle Cards, for them but they never followed through. Since they didn't, I began playing around with making my own... This is how this experiment came about. There are a few more details I haven't mentioned, but too much to go into here. Tarot cards that most people have heard of from movies at least, are also a fortune telling card type but very old and of a different nature. I made these for a 17 card layout that has past, future, what the querent has to work with and use and so on in the position of the "spread." If a card with a negative meaning falls in a good position, then that it is imagined that the negative influence works for a positive result. For example if the ten of spades/swords should fall in a positive position this suggests that the "grief" will be a catalyst to positive action of some kind -- maybe selling a house because parents have passed away -- that kind of thing. Its an interesting "philosophy" this stuff. Even if one does not want to buy into the possibility that the future can be foretold, I think they are good for inspiring the querent to think "outside the box" of wherever they may be stuck in their life...
Comment from MKFlood
so very cool and creative Daphne. every image so colorful and detailed. love the scattering of the cards. the font on the cards is excellent. the shading is excellent. the presentation is well balanced and very eye appealing to the viewer. so creative and awesome work overall(clapping)
reply by the author on 22-Oct-2022
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so very cool and creative Daphne. every image so colorful and detailed. love the scattering of the cards. the font on the cards is excellent. the shading is excellent. the presentation is well balanced and very eye appealing to the viewer. so creative and awesome work overall(clapping)
Comment Written 21-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 22-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Mark! As I explained to some reviewers who did not know what Oracle cards were, which I expect you actually do, I got set up with the template for the cards because someone wanted me to design a set of fortune telling cards, called Oracle Cards, for them but they never followed through. Since they didn't, I began playing around with making my own... This is how this experiment came about. There are a few more details I haven't mentioned, but too much to go into here. Tarot cards that most people have heard of from movies at least, are also a fortune telling card type but very old and of a different nature. I made these for a 17 card layout that has past, future, what the querent has to work with and use and so on in the position of the "spread." If a card with a negative meaning falls in a good position, then that it is imagined that the negative influence works for a positive result. For example if the ten of spades/swords should fall in a positive position this suggests that the "grief" will be a catalyst to positive action of some kind -- maybe selling a house because parents have passed away -- that kind of thing. Its an interesting "philosophy" this stuff. Even if one does not want to buy into the possibility that the future can be foretold, I think they are good for inspiring the querent to think "outside the box" of wherever they may be stuck in their life... enjoy!
Very cool
Comment from cleo85
This box cover is interesting. The design draws the attention of the viewers. It looks like a puzzle until the viewer discovers that those are oracle cards piled up. The collage is excellent composed. The colors are attractive and in harmony with each other. The artwork is well composed and framed. The composition is balanced.
reply by the author on 22-Oct-2022
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This box cover is interesting. The design draws the attention of the viewers. It looks like a puzzle until the viewer discovers that those are oracle cards piled up. The collage is excellent composed. The colors are attractive and in harmony with each other. The artwork is well composed and framed. The composition is balanced.
Comment Written 21-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 22-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Cleo! As I explained to some reviewers who did not know what Oracle cards were, I got set up with the template for the cards because someone wanted me to design a set of fortune telling cards, called Oracle Cards, for them but they never followed through. Since they didn't, I began playing around with making my own... This is how this experiment came about. There are a few more details I haven't mentioned, but too much to go into here. Tarot cards that most people have heard of from movies at least, are also a fortune telling card type but very old and of a different nature. I made these for a 17 card layout that has past, future, what the querent has to work with and use and so on in the position of the "spread." If a card with a negative meaning falls in a good position, then that it is imagined that the negative influence works for a positive result. For example if the ten of spades/swords should fall in a positive position this suggests that the "grief" will be a catalyst to positive action of some kind -- maybe selling a house because parents have passed away -- that kind of thing. Its an interesting "philosophy" this stuff. Even if one does not want to buy into the possibility that the future can be foretold, I think they are good for inspiring the querent to think "outside the box" of wherever they may be stuck in their life... enjoy!
You're very welcome! :o)
Thank you for the additional information's! :o)
Comment from alaskapat
This is such a well thought out and arranged collage of 13 cards from the very fascinating and special deck you are working on . The cards are all so thoughtfully created with beautiful colors , wonderful subjects that are meaningful to you in each of the cards . This shows your wonderful creative and artistic ability. I really appreciate the opportunity to view your work!
Very well presented!
reply by the author on 22-Oct-2022
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This is such a well thought out and arranged collage of 13 cards from the very fascinating and special deck you are working on . The cards are all so thoughtfully created with beautiful colors , wonderful subjects that are meaningful to you in each of the cards . This shows your wonderful creative and artistic ability. I really appreciate the opportunity to view your work!
Very well presented!
Comment Written 21-Oct-2022
reply by the author on 22-Oct-2022
Thank you so much, Pat, for your kind review! As I explained to some reviewers who did not know what Oracle cards were, I got set up with the template for the cards because someone wanted me to design a set of fortune telling cards, called Oracle Cards, for them but they never followed through. Since they didn't, I began playing around with making my own... This is how this experiment came about. There are a few more details I haven't mentioned, but too much to go into here. Tarot cards that most people have heard of from movies at least, are also a fortune telling card type but very old and of a different nature. I made these for a 17 card layout that has past, future, what the querent has to work with and use and so on in the position of the "spread." If a card with a negative meaning falls in a good position, then that it is imagined that the negative influence works for a positive result. For example if the ten of spades/swords should fall in a positive position this suggests that the "grief" will be a catalyst to positive action of some kind -- maybe selling a house because parents have passed away -- that kind of thing. Its an interesting "philosophy" this stuff. Even if one does not want to buy into the possibility that the future can be foretold, I think they are good for inspiring the querent to think "outside the box" of wherever they may be stuck in their life... enjoy!
I thought the cards were tarot cards but I wasn?t positive, thank you ! Years ago I had a deck of tarot cards that my daughter in law got for me. My granddaughter had a deck as well, I think the idea of you designing a deck is fantastic! Definitely an interesting subject! I?m sorry the person didn?t follow through but, it gave you such a fascinating project! Good luck to you!