Reviews from

A Cloudy Sunset over the City

A cloudy sunset with colours fading + city lights

3 total reviews 
Comment from alaskapat

I love it when there are clouds at sunset.
Well captured to show the last bit of light, the trees and far away city lights give perspective.
Well focused, clear image with good use of the available light, the colors snd tones appear natural.
Well composed and presented!

 Comment Written 11-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 12-Feb-2023
    Thanks a million for your complementary review on this dark cloudy sunset.
Comment from nikman

A good looking town and country image posted here! Your fine and full composition offers us an enjoyable view of that lovely dusk scene. Exposure and sharpness are good. Nicely done!

 Comment Written 11-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 12-Feb-2023
    Thanks a million for your complementary review on this cloudy sunset.
Comment from dan clausen

A very unique photo of a sunset. I like how it shows the lights and the trees that appear in the sunset then goes completely dark on top of that, very well done.

 Comment Written 11-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 12-Feb-2023
    Thanks a million for your complementary review on this cloudy sunset,