Reviews from

Exploring the Alien Landscape

Contemporary Sci-fi Art.

12 total reviews 
Comment from Eemap

I really like this entry and I think the colors are vibrant and beautiful. My favorite part of this entry is probably the stars, but I really like the whole thing.

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 13-Nov-2023
    Thanks so much for your time and the fine review! I really appreciate it!
Comment from suffolkbrian

Another well created piece of digital work from you seshadri the futureistic looking landscape together with the astranaut really works well...Brian

 Comment Written 09-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 09-Oct-2023
    I am trying all kinds of subject matter. No any particular order. Depends on what strikes me at that point in time. Thank you for your fine review. I appreciate your observations and comments. I'm happy you like it.
reply by suffolkbrian on 09-Oct-2023
    your welcome
Comment from helvi2

HI Sesha, Always love the hues you use in your creations! Love the landscape of this alien planet! I think the view is awesome! It was a lot of fun to scan the terrain and see the various aspects of it! The detail is awesome in this! This is definitely work worthy of 6 stars! :o) Nancy

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 09-Oct-2023
    Heartfelt gratitude for investing your time in writing this fantastic review (the rating left me feeling honored). Your support is immensely cherished.Heartfelt gratitude for investing your time in writing this fantastic review (the rating left me feeling honored). Your support is immensely cherished."
Comment from JirinaInspire

Great digital artwork with the astronaut is exploring the space and beyond.
Excellent details and great vivid colors add to the imaginative nature of this beautiful piece.

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 09-Oct-2023
    Thank you for taking your time to rate and comment on my post.. I do appreciate it.
Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

An amazing visual if this astronaut walking in this strange and hostile environment. Your composition shades tones and use of light create a unique and interesting environment.

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 09-Oct-2023
    Thank you for your fine review. I appreciate your observations and comments. I'm happy you like it.
Comment from Christine389

A fine piece of ai/digital art here Sesha. There's such a lot of very creative detail here to enjoy. I particularly like the bright lights in the distance which gives good perspective. It's a really good combination of fantasy and reality brought cleverly together.

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2023
    I am very glad you liked it. Thank you so much for the positive review and support. I really appreciate it.
Comment from Charlotte Morse

This is a pretty impressive piece Sesha, it looks like an AI, but it doesn't say that it is - is it one?
Fabulous skies, and I love the yellow horizon with the beautiful glowing moon above. And the astronaut has some extraordinary detail. Nice one!

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2023
    I am very glad you liked it. Thank you so much for the positive review and support. I really appreciate it. I used 3 images, lots of instructions, Ai touch and corrected with the help of Photoshop! Phew!! I am very glad you liked it. Thank you so much for the positive review and support. I really appreciate it.
reply by Charlotte Morse on 10-Oct-2023
    Sesha, you?re very welcome! I think a lot of the time people don?t realise how much work goes into these images, they think we just put in the instructions and hey presto we have the finished picture! I wish! Lol
Comment from Glena Jessee-King

I do enjoy this imaginative outstanding digital work. It is a scene like my sister writes about in her children's and teens' alien books. The piece is interesting and fine mixed media digital art.

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2023
    Thank you for your fine review. I appreciate your observations and comments. I'm happy you like it. I love to write too. I've so far published 5 short story books in the last 3 years and 2 are in the pipe line. Many are Sci-fi and futuristic stories.:):)
reply by Glena Jessee-King on 10-Oct-2023
    You are most welcome and so multi-talented. My sister does fantasy and similar stories and children's books.
Comment from Lynnmarie2

I can tell you are having fun with AI lol. It's a wonderful tool. I am telling you, once you go to digital art, it's hard going back to traditional. It's like a drug lol. Wonderful display, colors and theme. Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2023
    Absolutely. I alternate between the two. Still taking baby steps in this new-age technology. I'm old school. Thank you for your fine review. I appreciate your observations and comments. I'm happy you like it.
Comment from Ray Gordon

You have done a fine job with your mixed media, this may not be AI but it has the look and I know you like this, but I prefer your watercolors and no digital art but that is me. Thanks for sharing. Ray

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 Comment Written 07-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2023
    I alternate between the two. Still taking baby steps in this new-age technology. I'm old school. But love to keep up with the latest developments. Thank you for your fine review. I appreciate your observations and comments. I'm happy you like it.