Reviews from

Long Neck!

Swan's elongated neck

7 total reviews 
Comment from Ray Gordon

Michele, a beautiful Mute swan. That is one long neck. I like the way you presented this picture on a black background. thank you for sharing this beauty. Ray

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2025
    Thank you very much Ray for your very nice review.
reply by Ray Gordon on 15-Feb-2025
    You are welcome, Michele. Ray
Comment from MKFlood

i think the bird is confused as way he is forming his neck into a question cool. the clarity is great. the angle of the shot this swans facial is great. the capture of the light is great. the presentation is balanced and eye appealing to the viewer. good eye and great job overall.

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2025
    Thank you very much Mark for your great review.
Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

This is a very interesting and unique visual presented here. I love how you've highlighted the neck within the frame. The beautiful dark background stands it out to perfection. Well done.

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2025
    Thank you for the lovely review. I appreciate your support.
Comment from Devonte Baker

This swan has a long neck! This is so unique and cool. You captured the raw beauty of the swan. The angle, the lighting, and detail. Excellent work, thank you for sharing

 Comment Written 13-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2025
    Thank you Devonte, for a lovely review which I do appreciate.
Comment from alaskapat

This is such an unusual capture of the swan with its neck stretched up , we see how long the neck is . Swans are such beautiful and elegant birds , they move so gracefully .
Well captured with good focus, this image is clear good use of the available light. The vertical format works perfectly to emphasize the long neck.
Well composed and presented!

 Comment Written 13-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2025
    Thank you, Pat, for your lovely, detailed review. I appreciate your continues support.
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

What a shot. I had to scroll down to see its neck! A fine capture, indeed. The framing, light, shadows, and colours all come together perfectly. Nice effort!

 Comment Written 13-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2025
    Thanks, Sesha for your review and continued support.
Comment from nikman

A good looking nature image posted here! Yes, that lovely swan really doe have one of the longest bird necks that I have ever seen. Exposure and sharpness are fine. Nicely done!

 Comment Written 13-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2025
    Thanks, Nik, for your review and continued support.