Reviews from

Oops! young lady


18 total reviews 
Comment from randrphotos

Oops is is right. Good focus and contrast. A really nice natural picture. I love it. If I fell like that I would need a crane to get me back up. LOL. This old age thing you know.


 Comment Written 19-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2013
    many thanks robin
Comment from DavidP

That was a very common position that I had back when I used to ski! ha You caught the action well in this shot Fred. I imagine their was great speed involved if this was some sort of competition among the instructors. Even the best bit the big one once in a while. Great stop action with the skis in the famous X position as mine often were in my youth. Thanks for sharing it. Love that deep blue sky against the snow on the hill. Well done.

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2013
    many thanks again; I hadoften the same position
Comment from adrianart

What a wonderful photo and so very different, love the subject, love the location and you can just imagine being there and watching this event and it also gives the impression that this skier has fallen all the way down that hillside, I bet a lot of you were trying to hold back the laughter as this instructor came a cropper!

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2013
    right; the snow conditions were not excellent; many thanks
Comment from JB Stevenson

Agony of defeat...happens to all that meet the challenge. Love the composition and framing. Good capture. Thanks for sharing.


 Comment Written 19-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2013
    thanks so much
Comment from marlak25

Like the depth, center of interest and the presentation, maybe cropped and focused better good story telling though.

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2013
    many thanks; was taken from far away, already cropped a lot
Comment from gidavidson

A good stop action on this oops scene. Good think I was not there, you would have another oops shot of me. Nice blue sky, lots of white snow all well focused and framed.

 Comment Written 19-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2013
    many thanks george
Comment from Jairos

Great stop action Shot and "Double Impact" here, nice angle and good frame Poor Lady, good exposure and good clarity focus is sharp well done , -jairos

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 Comment Written 19-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2013
    muchas gracias
Comment from sonshine

Wow..I hate to tell you this BUT the initial impact was me thinking that it was a drawing..:) The little lady skier looked like she was drawn from colored pencils..I don't know if the bg AND the skier were soft because of snow or the way you edited it. It's a pretty cool piece;) Thank you for sharing this interesting shot!

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 Comment Written 19-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 19-Apr-2013
    many thanks; no editing, only cropping
reply by sonshine on 19-Apr-2013
    You're welcome..;)