Reviews from

Land and Sea

Viewing comments for Page 33 "Fire!"
land and seascapes

31 total reviews 
Comment from suenethery

Wow. This is fantastic. I wish I had a six to give you. Nothing I can say that would make this any better. Bravo again my friend. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2014

Comment from shiloh106

Great painting.
Good colors I really like the bright golden tones against the black silhouettes. Sad story though, forest fires are scary!

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2014

Comment from Snopaw

Gorgeous work, as always Shawn. Wonderful warm and golden tones, exceptional composition and a certain realism that I think only you bring to these scene here on FAR. Outstanding!!!

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2014

Comment from jgrace

Beautifully painted composition. Love the realistic look of the fire and sky area above. Very believable. Lighting is excellent and water is well done. Overall, wonderful painting. Enjoyed viewing it.

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2014

Comment from Regina E.H-Ariel

A very beautiful composition - I love the silhouettes of the tree and plants and your fairy like purple light flowers - bush fires are not funny and I am glad this is a fantasy creation - beautiful detail work, perfect color choice , deepness and three dimensional effects - the fog is perfect as well as the reflection of the fog and fire in the waters - somehow I see more a camp fire and a beautiful sunset - enhanced in many ways, well done

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2014

Comment from shoregrass

You do such wonderful digital creations that really appeal to me. I love the silhouetted tree and foreground flowers that frame the scene. The smokey effect on the far bank us excellent done as is the fire itself and the reflections. All done very naturally. Excellent.

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2014

Comment from moonrabbit

What a dreamy and magical landscape, I love the burnt umber sky and the reflection on the water. The unusual flowers in the foreground look like they could be a hiding place for fairies. Great picture!

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2014

Comment from julika

This is one super image. Wonderful expertly performed post-production work.

Initial impact 6
Creativity of presentation 6++
Color Harmony 6
Center of Interest 6
Technical Excellence 6
Story Telling Ability 6
Lighting 6

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2014
    Thank you ever so much for the exceptional review and stars, Julika. I'm not quite sure what you mean by post-production work, though. You do realize it's a digital painting, right? Regardless, I thank you dearly for both review and rating.
reply by julika on 17-Feb-2014
    Hi Shawn --Shows my ignorance about the process involved in digital painting..don't you have some sort of " inital
    image from hence you proceed? No matter, to tell you the truth, I don't much care how you did this...does not alter the fact that this is one fantastic has such depth and such tonal range--it is super!!! Your slightly " ignorant" photographer....julika
reply by the author on 17-Feb-2014
    Not ignorant! Don't feel bad, I absolutely zilch about photography. No, when you mentioned post-production work, I thought maybe you thought it was a photo. When I do a painting, I always start from scratch, and pretty much make it up as I go. LOL. Being a Pisces, I think I live half in a fantasy world. I really never know how something's going to turn out. Thank you for getting back to me, and I deeply appreciate your comments and rating! :)shawn
Comment from Sange

It is good to see your magical creations back up here on far again Shawn. I have missed them. As usual, this is your signature clever and creative piece. I love the Silhouette tree and plant life with touches of color. The fire, sky glow and reflection are all super.
Great creative work!

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2014
    Thank you so very very much, Sange! I don't think I'm here to stay far as posting goes. I am keeping my membership up though, cause I like to drop in every now and then to vote and see how everyone is doing. Again, thank you!! :)shawn
reply by Sange on 17-Feb-2014
    I hear you.. I think I am on my last year here too.. =)
Comment from susanlen

Looks like another photograph of yours I review earlier but I have to say I like this better. Probably because the sun is brighter and gives a better reflection in the water. I also do not get such a feeling of coldness because of the gold tones. Like the composition and I am sure I can see touches of purple in the foliage in the foreground.

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2014
    Thank you ever so much, Susan. Although it's not a photo, I'll take that as a compliment, but alas, alas, I don't even own a camera. LOL. Again, thank you!! :)shawn