Reviews from

Bottles Of Wine

Three bottles of wine

14 total reviews 
Comment from Life is but a dream.

Three bottles of wine that make us feel warm when we drink it and warm in colour palette when we look at your post!

Good glow on this, not too much but some and I like the shadows you caught for it makes me think of evening time, supper time and a nice large glass of wine.

It is a very welcoming image formatted into tall vertical to give strength to the tall vertical bottles.

Sharp and well focused, post processing adeptly done.

I think this would look really nice if you took it into Topaz Impressions and gave it a painterly look. (just something to play with...a suggestion)

 Comment Written 03-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 03-Mar-2016
    Thank you. I may try that. I didn't want to go too over top but it sounds like an interesting point
reply by Life is but a dream. on 03-Mar-2016
    OH NO....just make sure YOU like it. I mess with my photos....sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't.
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2016
    Tell me if you like the revised shot. A little different but not too much. A little more texture in the background and the bottles not so rigid.
reply by Life is but a dream. on 03-Mar-2016
    Hmmm, I can't really see any significant change. I did however spot a white line around the bottle at the right in the background (viewer's right). That is a technical flaw and it shows over processing. Why I notice that line is because we judge photos for our Annual Photography Exhibition and we disqualify images that are like that. You can eliminate that white line ...a bit labor intensive but worth it. You need to work L A R G E and clone in the neighboring colour.

    Don't panic tho' because we had an image posted in the exhibition with a blurred focal point (it was a bee) and someone bought it ...warts and all!
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2016
    Oh I see it. Maybe just go back to the original rather than rework it. I am feeling lazy this morning .lol
reply by Life is but a dream. on 03-Mar-2016
    Most members won't notice it....don't worry about it.
Comment from MKFlood

Planning on a party tonight huh? Wink. Lol. The angle of the shot of the wine bottles is great. The capture of the light is great.the clarity is great. The image ia balanced and eye appealing to the viewer. Good eye and great job overall

 Comment Written 03-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 03-Mar-2016
    Thank you
Comment from dalebraatz

What a wonderful first impression, Very good colors and depth have been captured here. Great choice for the contest, Good colors and light . Very pleasing to look at. Thank you for sharing. dale

 Comment Written 02-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2016
    Thank you :)
Comment from Dick Lee Shia

Aptly captured for the contest theme... Creative concept. Innovative approach. Imaginative presentation. Impressive mixed media rendition. Excellent colors & textures. Interesting modification. Great lighting & framing. Thanks for sharing!

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 Comment Written 02-Mar-2016

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2016
    :) Thank you Dick