Reviews from

About To Land!

View of a seagull on the point of landing.

41 total reviews 
Comment from Stringbean

Good camera techniques and nice stop action shot. Very well photographed in beautiful natural light, sharp focus revealing good details and clarity in your image. Your diffused background of blues compliments your work. Outstanding work and thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 18-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 18-Apr-2019
    I am very grateful for your kind review!
reply by Stringbean on 02-May-2019
    You are more than welcome Nikman!
    Mary Lynn
Comment from suzannethompson2

Great entry for the contest. Excellent capture of the Seagull about to land, highlighted by the bright blue sky. I like the pose you caught here with his wings pointing forwards. Very good lighting and focus showing excellent detail. Great composition. Good luck in the contest. Suzanne

 Comment Written 18-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 18-Apr-2019
    Your best wishes are gratefully received, as is your very kind review! That big 6 is the icing on the cake!!
Comment from Artistic Chick

Hi Nik, this is a really great shot. Especially of a seagul. The sky behind him is exquisite. The details are so sharp. I think I cold count each feather. For a bird that can be a pest at times, you have caught a really beautiful gull. If I still had 6 stars, I'd give you one... It's definitely worthy.

 Comment Written 18-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 18-Apr-2019
    I am very grateful for your kind review! Glad you enjoyed my photo and that it was 6 material!!
Comment from Bruceiorio

Good close up.
Very nice composition.
Good nature image.
Good wildlife action capture.
Good sharp image.
Good depth of field.
Very good angle of view.
Nice details and textures.

 Comment Written 17-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 17-Apr-2019
    Your nice and detailed review is much appreciated!
Comment from cleo85

This seems like an perfect shot. The flight pose is intriguing. The details of feathers and body are sharp and excellently defined. The colors are natural realistic. The bird is excellent emphasized by the blue sky. The photo is well balanced and framed.

 Comment Written 17-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 17-Apr-2019
    Very many thanks for your kind review!
reply by cleo85 on 17-Apr-2019
    You're most welcome. :o)
Comment from Brady Nielson

Really great photograph of this seagull! The image is very crisp and clean and the motion of the bird is captured so very well. The blue sky provides a wonderful backdrop for the gulls details to shine through. Great photo and good luck!

 Comment Written 17-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 17-Apr-2019
    Glad you enjoyed my photo so much and many thanks for your best wishes!
Comment from Bremi

Nice photo. It looks like the seagull is flying backwards. The stop action of the photo shows off the seagull perfectly, and your lighting is right on.

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 17-Apr-2019
    Your kind review is appreciated! Very many thanks for the big 6!!
Comment from World Travel Photos

Nice capture of the seagull. The focus on the eye is good and the composition is very nice. The contrast is a bit much and I would probably tone it down a bit. I like the sharpness of the eye and the little bit of blur in the wings giving a sense of movement. Nicely done.

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 17-Apr-2019
    Very many thanks for nice review and suggestion!
Comment from elean

I liked the temperature for your subject. It showed the creativity with color. Superb balance from start to end. Picture perfect. No added touch needed. Exceptional.

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 17-Apr-2019
    Glad you enjoyed my shot and that you rated it so highly with your big 6!
reply by elean on 29-Jan-2020
    It was my pleasure. nikman
Comment from Kendra Disilva

Nice catch
Great action photo.
I do wish it was more detailed in the feathers as they look more soft hiding their structure and making them look sorta blurry.
But with all action shots like these take great skill to capture at the right time and just the right setting. Non the less it's still a great shot!

 Comment Written 16-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 17-Apr-2019
    I am grateful for your nice review!