the white sails regatta
a regatta14 total reviews
Comment from Susan F. M. T.
A beautiful picture of the Sailing Regatta in the Bay of Cannes the wind filling the sails & the sun shining form the right lighting up the backs of the sails on the Yacht in the foreground & the crests of the ripples on the sea. Artistic composition, framing & lighting taken with superb camera techniques & sharp focus.
reply by the author on 09-Jun-2019
A beautiful picture of the Sailing Regatta in the Bay of Cannes the wind filling the sails & the sun shining form the right lighting up the backs of the sails on the Yacht in the foreground & the crests of the ripples on the sea. Artistic composition, framing & lighting taken with superb camera techniques & sharp focus.
Comment Written 09-Jun-2019
reply by the author on 09-Jun-2019
merci suzanne
Comment from Athena3D
I want to go boating, I can smell the ocean. I like the appeal of the dark waters against the bight blue sky, A beautiful sail boat! Most of all the brighter whitness of each sail gives a crispness to the sails and reflects brighter than the soft clouds. great eye for your subject matter and the placement in this composition is so appealing!!! Thoroughly enjoyed ,please share more Thank You good luck with your reviews in this contest ,
reply by the author on 09-Jun-2019
I want to go boating, I can smell the ocean. I like the appeal of the dark waters against the bight blue sky, A beautiful sail boat! Most of all the brighter whitness of each sail gives a crispness to the sails and reflects brighter than the soft clouds. great eye for your subject matter and the placement in this composition is so appealing!!! Thoroughly enjoyed ,please share more Thank You good luck with your reviews in this contest ,
Comment Written 09-Jun-2019
reply by the author on 09-Jun-2019
welcome to this site and thanks for your comments;
you don't indicate what is wrong, why you deleted half a star..
Thee isn't really anything wongto me the boat is far lft and my eye goes of the page and comes up around the top and then I view the clouds other than this thought it is a complete composition I am hard on myself I will ty not to be so hard on others. A crisp clean presentation I am new to this and will consider your feelings as well.
donb't worry:I accept all comments and suggestioins; just need explanations..
Comment from CammyCards
You can feel the wind in the sails of this lovely sloop(?). The focus is excellent on this fast moving boat. I wonder if there is really enough white. I see lots of blue: sky and water. Maybe brighten it a bit to bring out the whiteness.
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reply by the author on 09-Jun-2019
You can feel the wind in the sails of this lovely sloop(?). The focus is excellent on this fast moving boat. I wonder if there is really enough white. I see lots of blue: sky and water. Maybe brighten it a bit to bring out the whiteness.
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Comment Written 09-Jun-2019
reply by the author on 09-Jun-2019
la proportion de blanc requise n'est pas indiquée; du moment ou le blanc est le sujet principal, cela me paraît suffisant..
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan
This is a fine shot of the sailing boats. A fine entry for the contest! The light and shadows, colours and the composition have worked out well. Good luck!
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reply by the author on 09-Jun-2019
This is a fine shot of the sailing boats. A fine entry for the contest! The light and shadows, colours and the composition have worked out well. Good luck!
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Comment Written 09-Jun-2019
reply by the author on 09-Jun-2019
many thanks Sesha