Reviews from

Sun Filtered Through Clouds

Yesterday afternoon Sun

27 total reviews 
Comment from michiganmike

A very nice looking scene with fantastic colors. I like the low sun behind the trees but might have been tempted to frame this as a vertical so as to include the treetops.

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2021
    Thanks very much Mike!
Comment from Brady Nielson

Hey there Pat!
At first glance I thought this was a photo of the moon! Those clouds are filtering the sun really nicely. The silhouettes of the trees are well presented with a nice frame and angle of the photo. Beautiful!

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2021
    Thank you so very much Brady! I appreciate your support!
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

This is a wonderful shot of nature. You have timed it well. The light and shadows, colours and, composition have worked out well. Good effort!

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2021
    Thank you very much for your lovely review!
Comment from Brenda Curley

This is a unique photo. I like the way the sun is low and peeking through the trees.
Lovely sky illuminates behind the silhouetted trees as it sets into the night. Good focus, clarity and placement.
Pleasing to view.

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2021
    Thank you so much Brenda!
Comment from liseworks

I love the sun when it is trying to come out through the clouds, I find you notice it more in the winter, It is not as high as summer here too but it does go higher then the trees here in my location, and when it sets the trees in our back yard glows red or orange lol,, I like this very much

 Comment Written 27-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2021
    Thank you so much Lise!
Comment from suffolkbrian

When i see some of your landscapes pat i love how you can see different aspects in a location,this is quite a subtle color and that for me this works well,good one...Brian

 Comment Written 27-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2021
    Thank you so much Brian!
reply by suffolkbrian on 31-Jan-2021
    your welcome
Comment from eileen0204

Just gorgeous! And how you captured that Moon to show it in the loving arms of the trees.

Just a wonderful piece Pat. It brings such a sense of calm over me.

 Comment Written 27-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2021
    Thank you so much Eileen! I appreciate your wonderful support!
Comment from Zilyram

An interesting light created by the natural filter of the clouds. The bare branches of the tree have a halo behind and the sun so low in the sky is very unusual. A very nice presentation for us to view.

 Comment Written 26-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2021
    Thank you so much Mary! I appreciate all of your support!
Comment from nikman

A pretty good looking image posted here! Your fine and classical composition grants us an enjoyable view of your nice location. Like those tall trees and tones. Exposure and sharpness are good. Well taken!

 Comment Written 26-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2021
    Thank you so much for all of your support!
Comment from MKFlood

interesting capture. the clarity is great. the angle of the shot of the sun trying to peek through clouds and trees is great. the capture of the light is great. the image is balanced and eye appealing to the viewer. good eye and great job overall.

 Comment Written 26-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2021
    Thank you so much Mark! I appreciate your support!