Reviews from

My best friend Frosty

Soft pastel

11 total reviews 
Comment from Kathy Banich

Maureen, this is such a fun pastel, that celebrates the joys of the wintery season. I have to ask - that appears to be milk and cookies on the plate at the base of the snowman -- is the milk frozen. LOL. If so that was a very creative detail that adds even more interest and storytelling to the composition. The whirling snow reminds me of the cartoon where Frosty is magically coming to life. A fun piece!

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 Comment Written 10-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2024
    Thank you my friend!!
Comment from nikman

A good looking seasonal image posted here into the competition! Your fine, full and appropriate composition offers us a very enjoyable view of a youngster cuddling a grand snowman. Nicely drawn!

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 Comment Written 10-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2024
    Thank you very much!!