Reviews from

Open Eyed!

Close-up of an eye

12 total reviews 
Comment from helvi2

Off the charts "WOW!" You took an extraordinary image of the eye Charlotte! I have never seen such definition. Ben may hve gone blind from the lighting but the combo of light and sharpness created an incredible view of the eye! I soooo wish I had 6 stars to give! You mote than deserve it. This registers as a 20 in my eyes! I thought I had a good entry for the contest but you far exceeded my entry! Definitely think you're a shoe-in for the close-up win! :o) Nancy

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 Comment Written 15-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 16-Mar-2025
    Hi Nancy, thank you so much for your really wonderful review and the virtual six stars - just as good! :)
    Ha ha Ben didn't enjoy it much, but he was very pleased with the final result - I said I'd get it blown up and printed for his wall.
Comment from shore1inspire.

WOW IS All I CAN SAY Great Shot, I HOPE Wild Eye's Ben Is feeling better, great Clarity as the eyes bloom Like A dandi LION in 1 way and the PUPIL NOT Blown Out Great Contest Entry,
Thanks For That CLOSE up. Wink if he is OK.

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 16-Mar-2025
    Thank you so much for your great review and wonderful rating! Ha ha Ben is fine but hoping not to repeat the process!
reply by shore1inspire. on 16-Mar-2025
    Your Welcome, Charlotte ,Wink reminds me OF TIGER EYE a Cappy thing.
    I hope not butt I had many bright LIGHTS at Docs Just Not A Shot Like yours/Ben's EYE ON u GOOD LUCK.
reply by the author on 17-Mar-2025
    Thanks :)
reply by shore1inspire. on 17-Mar-2025