Reviews from

Bird of Paradise

12 X 15 Watercolor on Arches Watercolor Paper

27 total reviews 
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

What a beautiful painting. You have added beauty to the God's creation. Excellent composition, colour coordinates and what have you makes this compulsive viewing! I like this artwork. Bravo! Good luck!

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2019
    Thank you so very much, Sasha.
Comment from MKFlood

Nice colorful creation. The leave forms is good. the depth is good. The details is good. The Shading is great. The blend of the colors is great. The creation is balanced and eye appealing to the viewer. Creative and great job overall

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2019
    Thank you so much, MK for your very fine review.
Comment from GaliaG

Excellent paint of this exotic and amazing flower

excellent technique, colors and tones

good creativity and initial impact

thanks fro sharing

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2019
    Thank you so very much.
Comment from cleo85

The painting is pleasant to look at. It has the appearance of the contemporary art of our present. The flowers and leaves appear stylized, but realistic. The proportions are correct.The Background is adequate. The tall format emphasizes the plant nicely. The composition is well balanced and framed.

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2019
    Thank you so much Cleo. I consider this high praise coming from you as I very much respect your input.
reply by cleo85 on 28-Jun-2019
    You're very welcomw. :o)
Comment from liseworks

This is very pretty,,love how the colours go together, precise work here,,pleasant to look at,,love the background that is plain and does not take away from the rest of the painting

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2019
    Thank you so very much for your fine review and rating.
Comment from ArtistCharles

Bird of Paradise are a favorite flower of mine. I photograph them all the time. You have captured the shape and colors of the flower very well. I am fine with the leaves being more colorful. Nice composition, however I would have liked more space around it so the plant wasn't pushing the edges quite so much. Well conceived and well painted.

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2019
    Good suggestion that I will try to keep in mind for my next try at depicting these flowers. Thank you so very much.
Comment from adriansart

There is nothing wrong with this whats so ever!

I love the crispness of everything all those different leaves are very well defined, as are those lovely strong colours, I can see that you are still learning by reading your notes but I also see that you alreadt have your own style of things! Good luck with the contest!

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 Comment Written 28-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2019
    Thank you so very much Adrian. I appreciate your encouragement.
reply by adriansart on 28-Jun-2019
    My pleasure its a lovely painting!