Reviews from

It is windy today

abstract painting

32 total reviews 
Comment from suzannethompson2

Love the colours you used in this abstract image, Cleo, depicting the feeling of lying in a meadow, listening to the wind - I'm afraid those days have long passed me by unfortunately! I like the simplicity of the design showing the delicate feathery grasses blowing in the wind. Lovely digital art composition. Suzanne

 Comment Written 20-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 20-Jan-2021
    Thank you very much, Suzanne, for your kind and encouraging review! :o)
reply by suzannethompson2 on 20-Jan-2021
    You are most welcome! oxo
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2021
    :o) Cleo :o) XOXO
Comment from shoregrass

This is a very cool abstract, Cleo. The color combinations are well chosen and placed in a design the expresses movement very well. I find this immensely calming to look at - like watching feathers carelessly blowing in the wind. Nicely done!

 Comment Written 19-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 19-Jan-2021
    Thank you very much for your encouraging comments, Ed! :o)
reply by shoregrass on 19-Jan-2021
    Sincerely welcome, Cleo.
reply by the author on 19-Jan-2021
    :o) ~ Cleo :o)
Comment from Mr Jones

that is a very lovely and spiritually uplifting picture. a great and true form of expression and in total balance, with the beauty of nature. it's lovely the way it fans out to the very top of the frame.

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2021
    Thank you! I appreciate your encouraging comments very much! :o)
Comment from Grace P.

I have to say I don't completely understand most abstract art but this price is actually very beautiful. I feel like this piece had many vibrant colors but is still blended and natural. Beautiful work!

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2021
    Thank you very much for your encouraging comments! :o)
Comment from Artistsushma

its a beautiful creation....the choice of colours and their blending is very good....the curving brushstrokes are giving the feel of a windy day.....the vibes of summer are looking good.....thanks for sharing....

 Comment Written 18-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2021
    Thank you very much for your encouraging comments! :o)
Comment from iPhone7

What a calming and soothing abstract Cleo. The pastel colors are just what a person needs to gaze upon when things seem to be full of drama.

Great work in creating this one Cleo ~ Steve

 Comment Written 17-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 18-Jan-2021
    Thank you very much, Steve, for your encouraging comments! :o)
Comment from Sean T Phelan

Hi Cleo!
I'm not so sure about that 'lying in a meadow' business,my friend,but I am quite sure that this digital painting that you've presented us with here looks Great! : D
It's fairly singing with nice Surreal vibes that I'm enjoying a lot!
Outstanding work,my friend!

 Comment Written 17-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 17-Jan-2021
    Thank you so very much for your kind comments and the six golden stars! You made my Sunday!!! :o) :o) :o)
reply by Sean T Phelan on 17-Jan-2021
    You're very welcome,my friend! : )
reply by the author on 18-Jan-2021
    ~C. :o)
Comment from nikman

Quite a nice and relaxing image posted here! Must have been created in summer, or yearning for summer? Like the various curving lines and subdued tones. Nicely created!

 Comment Written 17-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 17-Jan-2021
    Thank you very much for your kind review! :o)
    The painting is new. I created it last week. I am indeed yearning for summer.
Comment from Lofty the Mite

I love the colors in this drawing. They are beautifully blended and so vibrant. I can feel the wind blowing the blades of grass and surrounding flowers. The blending makes me envision laying in a field, and watching the swaying of all the nature that surrounds me.

 Comment Written 17-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 17-Jan-2021
    Thank you very much for your encouraging comments! :o)
Comment from Brenda Curley

This is a Lovely composition. I can almost hear the whispers of the wind.
The colors are quite pretty as they fan out like the plumage of a bird. I has a dream like feel to it.
Good focus and clarity.
Nice to view.

 Comment Written 17-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 17-Jan-2021
    Thank you very much for your encouraging comments! :o)