Reviews from

There is Life on Earth?


33 total reviews 
Comment from table

well if u mean this earth of coures their is nature is beautiful, but what is up in the moon what we see on the telly, any way u ar clever how u created this picture and interesting story,and fantasy, technical good creativity good too, hope u have a good year u and yours too ,table.

 Comment Written 31-Dec-2011

reply by the author on 31-Dec-2011
    i am so glad that you have enjoyed this and do appreciate you taking the time in givng me this great review. happy holidays to you too.
Comment from dazzyw

Nice picture, I like your explanation of the picture, good detail with the blue beauty and her tail. Thanks for sharing an enjoyable piece of art. Happy new year :)

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 Comment Written 31-Dec-2011

reply by the author on 31-Dec-2011
    thank you so much for taking the time in giving me this review.
Comment from GaliaG

great question, maybe there is and maybe we all live in a dream and non-existing world

excelelnt entry for the contest, good luck and thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 31-Dec-2011

reply by the author on 31-Dec-2011
    thank you so much for taking the time in giving me this great review.