Reviews from


Starving child

41 total reviews 
Comment from scarletwalking

Yeah, it seems like total exploitaion of a very serious problem just to make a few dollars. The idea seems very familiar, maybe I had done that kind of thing one day or another.

 Comment Written 04-Apr-2012

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2012
    compassion starts with the peoploe around do and go from there, im glad that i spark the emotion and that was half the bacttle.. glad that you liked and do appreciate the great reveiw.
Comment from Sam S

This drawing tells quite a story. I have always wondered about some of the charities. You find out years later that only a small percent of their proceeds go to the needy. People should check into the charities they are supporting. Find out what percentage they pass on to the needy. If it is less then 90%, don't support them.

 Comment Written 04-Apr-2012

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2012
    salvation army and cerntain christain orgainzation. tell you get with 4 I AM, he has the whole breakdown how much dollars go to and from who. gave me a long long that you liked and do appreciate the great reveiw./
Comment from dream alone

wow. a can of food with no can opener... it reminds me of the movie "the pianist" where the jewish guy has been starving and finally finds a big can of something, but can't open it. it doesn't matter - he keeps it and holds onto its. same scenario here, different time. the more things change, the more they stay the same.

 Comment Written 04-Apr-2012

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2012
    if i did anything i pulled an emotion from the veiwer, that was the goal. again this is another of those not like mkflood release like normal. didnt take me long to finish either. glad that you like and do appreciate the great reveiw.
reply by dream alone on 08-Apr-2012
    i think anyone would feel emotional seeing this.
Comment from jesuel

what an amazing piece of art you have created here and very profound the color composition is great excellent depth and perspective as well beautiful work here

 Comment Written 04-Apr-2012

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2012
    thanks bro im glad that you liked and do appreciate the great reveiw.
Comment from Sasquatch39

Great style abd subject. It's pitiful people have to suffer like this. We can do something about it though. God expects that of us. Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 04-Apr-2012

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2012
    yes he does. he gaves brain and muscle to act and as i was telling someone earlier today, its starts in your area. if we cant take care of our backyard, why go further, act of kindness paid forward can be like the ripple in the water(like what jesus said) oh gracious i hope im not reaching to ya bro. im glad that you have enjoyed and do appreciate the great reveiw.
Comment from Ufoureah

Excellent composition. very artistic and oh so creative. Love the colors and your imagination. And yes you are right most of the $ goes in the guys pocket.Thank you for sharing your lovely piece of art

 Comment Written 04-Apr-2012

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2012
    thank you dar and appreciate you taking the time in giving me this great reveiw.
Comment from anonymous_nothing

You're an excellent artist. I'm impressed by the emotion captured by marker. I think the overlapping marker lines actually give the picture character. I work with photography, so my suggestion might be irrelevant or something. I think if this is a starving kid, maybe adding some cracks or rubble in the wall or floor?

 Comment Written 04-Apr-2012

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2012
    oh him...he lives in a hut..he was there that day for the commercial and pick up a couple of cans. you would figure they would have left him a can opener...thats the whole point why i did this way..i know you see the commercials...what do i say when the child ask me..did you find me a sponser? i betcha he threw the child a nickle. the moral to the story is, if your gonna do something for it, and do it right. like life we cant just walk away and everything is on pause(be nice),kinda like let say starving kids here in the USA. i had one person say they are from china and so on how what they have to eat. im saying well i know why you say that becasue they look at this country as the land of plenty. i told that we have starving children here too and if we cant take care of our own backyard, why are we out there doing a half tailed job..thats a waste. i do appreciate the suggestion but i think you have the jest of what i was creating. thanks for the compliment and i think this is my only bandstanding drawing i have i think there is about 10 different pics and thems out there for reveiw if you get the time. i do appreciate the great reveiw and suggestions.
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2012
    oh him...he lives in a hut..he was there that day for the commercial and pick up a couple of cans. you would figure they would have left him a can opener...thats the whole point why i did this way..i know you see the commercials...what do i say when the child ask me..did you find me a sponser? i betcha he threw the child a nickle. the moral to the story is, if your gonna do something for it, and do it right. like life we cant just walk away and everything is on pause(be nice),kinda like let say starving kids here in the USA. i had one person say they are from china and so on how what they have to eat. im saying well i know why you say that becasue they look at this country as the land of plenty. i told that we have starving children here too and if we cant take care of our own backyard, why are we out there doing a half tailed job..thats a waste. i do appreciate the suggestion but i think you have the jest of what i was creating. thanks for the compliment and i think this is my only bandstanding drawing i have done..i think there is about 10 different pics and thems out there for reveiw if you get the time. i do appreciate the great reveiw and suggestions.
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2012
    oh him...he lives in a hut..he was there that day for the commercial and pick up a couple of cans. you would figure they would have left him a can opener...thats the whole point why i did this way..i know you see the commercials...what do i say when the child ask me..did you find me a sponser? i betcha he threw the child a nickle. the moral to the story is, if your gonna do something for it, and do it right. like life we cant just walk away and everything is on pause(be nice),kinda like let say starving kids here in the USA. i had one person say they are from china and so on how what they have to eat. im saying well i know why you say that becasue they look at this country as the land of plenty. i told that we have starving children here too and if we cant take care of our own backyard, why are we out there doing a half tailed job..thats a waste. i do appreciate the suggestion but i think you have the jest of what i was creating. thanks for the compliment and i think this is my only bandstanding drawing i have done..i think there is about 10 different pics that i have just released out there out there for reveiw( a few on the front page) if you get the time, loved to hear your thoughts. i do appreciate the great reveiw and suggestions.
Comment from Christine389

Well, this is a timely posting. Just this lunchtime my husband was watching TV when one of these ads came on and he said " They really shouldn't show these ads. They do it at this time of day so that pensioners,who can't afford it, feel guilty and end up sending money. You never know how much of it actually ends up in the right hands". He's a big believer in charity begins at home and in some respects I feel he has a point. I think your picture of the starving child with a tin can and no can opener is just so poignant. Very thought provoking work.

 Comment Written 04-Apr-2012

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2012
    i know i have my moments but you have to admit..i do make people think..maybe call me a few names but at least it makes them stop and think for a sec.. im glad that you enjoyed this and do appreciate the great reveiw.
Comment from joella


 Comment Written 04-Apr-2012

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2012
    thanks joella im glad that you like and do appreciate the great reveiw.
Comment from 4 I AM

I so get the picture. I understand why people are moved to sponsor as it's tugged at my heartstrings many times, but when you realize how much corruption goes on, see first the hungry in your town/city and start there. This world sucks! There is no reason for starvation but the greed of man. May Theocracy reign soon.
Telling post my friend.

 Comment Written 04-Apr-2012

reply by the author on 04-Apr-2012
    (standing and applauding)give the man a cigar! my words exactly all the way to the end. we cant take care of our own and lil ole grandma or pa in thier own lil world thinking that money gets to the kids. missionaaries probably do more for the kids than those big charity im kinda chuckling to myself thinking i was the only asshole out here, nice to meet a fellow member..wink.. thanks for the great reveiw.
reply by 4 I AM on 04-Apr-2012
    Well i don't think we are assholes for that. Maybe other things-wink!
    and i don't think for one second we don't want every child fed, but when the regimes in question don't give a damn about their own people, what makes westerners think
    they'll give the food to the people other than the needed photo opps. Then theres the food drops that get many hungry outrightly murdered by thugs who sell it at black market prices. Sickening really. I'll stick with local until there is proof at least 80% of every dollar is going directly to the poor. P.s. there is always someone or many who are going to think that people like us who speak out, are assholes. Since we still speak out, maybe they are right. signed ASSHOLE-LOL.
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2012
    roflmao...yeppers and im a card carrying member too...lolol
reply by 4 I AM on 04-Apr-2012
    Your not going to believe this, but i just got this email: here goes. 'Watch Whom You Send Your Dollars To!' because:
    AMERICAN RED CROSS-pres & ceo M.J.Evans salary for a yr is $651,957 plus expenses. NEXT:
    March of DIMES-only gives a dime from every dollar to the needy.NEXT
    THE UNITED WAY-pres Brian Gallager
    salary is $375,000 plus numerous benefits. NEXT-
    UNICEF-ceo Carl M. Stern's salary is $1.2 million plus expenses and Rolls Royce. NEXT-
    G00DWILL- ceo Mark Curran makes $2.3 million a yr. Instead consider:
    SALVATION ARMY-commissioner Todd Basset recieves only $13,000 and 96cents of every dollar goes to the needy. Next-
    ORDER OF PURPLE HEARTS- ALL THEIR COMMANDERS RECIEVE ABSOLUTELY NO SALARY. I can't believe i just got that. Would have emailed but had to type it out. If someone gives you slack on your post, i hope you can copy and give them both barrels!! Ronny D'Haene
    P.S. Knowledge is POWER!!
reply by the author on 04-Apr-2012
    oh yes i can speak out for the salvation army..these people have been there with just good ole muscle and care during a disaster. i couldnt tell you how many hurricanes and i would see them only before the red ill defend the salvation army...but the rest of the info oh yeah, ill be hanging outo. aint that wild it came in the email..
reply by 4 I AM on 04-Apr-2012
    Still can't believe it came in after our conversation. Of course the person had no idea, and just thought i'd like the info, which he was correct on. Have a great night bro.