What came first?
Eggs ffor brekfast41 total reviews
Comment from RedRockArt
Comments: Like it, very soft lighting on the eggs, but shows their roundness, no blown areas. Have no idea how you got the "reflection" but its good. Great idea for a still life. The eggs dominate, good triangular composition. The answer to the question, is the Chicken. God made the animals and birds, not eggs. Logically its correct, there would have been no Hens to sit on them so they would hatch. :)
After three tours in Korean War, with -100 wind chill, hated the cold. SO, moved from Maine, USA to California.
Technical -
Using a zone scale to delineate at least ten specific zones of gray or contrast. This is very close to a full scale,on my calibrated monitor. The color is also excellent, with good detail in the image.
Impact -
Creativity -
Creativity is more than capturing an image. Ansel Adams said, "80% of my images are created in processing film and paper." When we Aim for quality, we can achieve it, with practice.
When working on an image, many, may make 10,15, or even 25 variations. And then decide which they like best. With experience gained doing this, you reach a point where you develop your own style.
In my opinion, nothing in Photography is wrong. Some "Technical" photography rules, were made to be broken, when breaking them is creative or expresses your feelings.
IF you _feel_ it is not quite right, then, change it....
Composition -
Love it when people "compose for maximum impact. There is a lot of info on the Internet about composition. People can learn a lot, in tutorials on You-Tube or other sites. Even after over 70 years, am still learning to show what I feel.
In composition, we want to choose a powerful interest point, then put it into the position with most impact. If, that means cropping in an unusual shape, or size, just do it.
Lighting -
Story -
Photography is Communication.
I got it, before reading your description. You expressed your feelings to me.
If your Photo communicates something you feel, to only one person, it is a success.
Photography is an art, as well as a means of showing others what we see or feel and though photos straight out of a camera can be good, with some work, they can express your feelings. When your photo does this, a Story has been told.
Many times we can learn more from playing with images to tell a better story. Play with -copies- of images to see what happens as you use your imagination.
Technical :
Calibrated Monitors make it easier to show viewers the way we see it. Monitors do not come that way. Pro's. Spend $300-600 or more for a device to calibrate them.
But, it can be reasonably calibrated, with Adobe Gamma, which is free. What looks good on your monitor, if not calibrated, will not look as good on the viewers. :) The output brightness of a computer monitor is not normally linear. For example when displaying a gray square, with a color half way between white and black, the result will not be half as bright as a full white. This effect doesn't just apply to the brightness of grays, but also the shade of most colors, and so can completely change the viewed image.
Gamma correction is a factor by which software can correct for this non-linearity, so resulting in a correctly displayed image.
When some tell you, colors are off, if you have a calibrated monitor, you know they do not. Artists use colors which express what you "feel" about the image. Not just so they are "technically correct."
Firefox may be the only calibrated Browser available. If you create, and the user is using Firefox on a calibrated monitor, it looks like the original.
So I use -only- Firefox.
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The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.
reply by the author on 04-Nov-2010
Comments: Like it, very soft lighting on the eggs, but shows their roundness, no blown areas. Have no idea how you got the "reflection" but its good. Great idea for a still life. The eggs dominate, good triangular composition. The answer to the question, is the Chicken. God made the animals and birds, not eggs. Logically its correct, there would have been no Hens to sit on them so they would hatch. :)
After three tours in Korean War, with -100 wind chill, hated the cold. SO, moved from Maine, USA to California.
Technical -
Using a zone scale to delineate at least ten specific zones of gray or contrast. This is very close to a full scale,on my calibrated monitor. The color is also excellent, with good detail in the image.
Impact -
Creativity -
Creativity is more than capturing an image. Ansel Adams said, "80% of my images are created in processing film and paper." When we Aim for quality, we can achieve it, with practice.
When working on an image, many, may make 10,15, or even 25 variations. And then decide which they like best. With experience gained doing this, you reach a point where you develop your own style.
In my opinion, nothing in Photography is wrong. Some "Technical" photography rules, were made to be broken, when breaking them is creative or expresses your feelings.
IF you _feel_ it is not quite right, then, change it....
Composition -
Love it when people "compose for maximum impact. There is a lot of info on the Internet about composition. People can learn a lot, in tutorials on You-Tube or other sites. Even after over 70 years, am still learning to show what I feel.
In composition, we want to choose a powerful interest point, then put it into the position with most impact. If, that means cropping in an unusual shape, or size, just do it.
Lighting -
Story -
Photography is Communication.
I got it, before reading your description. You expressed your feelings to me.
If your Photo communicates something you feel, to only one person, it is a success.
Photography is an art, as well as a means of showing others what we see or feel and though photos straight out of a camera can be good, with some work, they can express your feelings. When your photo does this, a Story has been told.
Many times we can learn more from playing with images to tell a better story. Play with -copies- of images to see what happens as you use your imagination.
Technical :
Calibrated Monitors make it easier to show viewers the way we see it. Monitors do not come that way. Pro's. Spend $300-600 or more for a device to calibrate them.
But, it can be reasonably calibrated, with Adobe Gamma, which is free. What looks good on your monitor, if not calibrated, will not look as good on the viewers. :) The output brightness of a computer monitor is not normally linear. For example when displaying a gray square, with a color half way between white and black, the result will not be half as bright as a full white. This effect doesn't just apply to the brightness of grays, but also the shade of most colors, and so can completely change the viewed image.
Gamma correction is a factor by which software can correct for this non-linearity, so resulting in a correctly displayed image.
When some tell you, colors are off, if you have a calibrated monitor, you know they do not. Artists use colors which express what you "feel" about the image. Not just so they are "technically correct."
Firefox may be the only calibrated Browser available. If you create, and the user is using Firefox on a calibrated monitor, it looks like the original.
So I use -only- Firefox.
This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.
Comment Written 04-Nov-2010
reply by the author on 04-Nov-2010
Thank you very much