Reviews from

pen and ink drawings book III

Viewing comments for Page 143 "Bronco Ride II"
The pointillism technique to create the drawings.

25 total reviews 
Comment from ArtyLin

It appears to be very well drawn with your others you have posted and they were brilliant.
Cannot really see it as well as the others though.
The shape of the horse and rider are very good .
But details are not very clear on rider for some reason.

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2008
    yes I see the same thing and have been to busy to go back and review the original. thanks for the time and the comments, take care and cheers!
    And as alway your time is appreciated by me in doing this.
Comment from skoropinski1

this is a great picture .With all the hours you put into this .It was worth it. It came out very ,very well ,Incidentally I hope your art show went well also. If I didn't live so many thousands of miles away I would of definitely gone
with this picture you get the real feel that the horse is giving this cowboy a ride for his life excellent job

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2008
    yes i like the action this portrays as well. thank you for the time and teh writing the review.
    appreciated by me on all counts... have you seen Dave's latest Rodeo photo's?
    you should have a peek at them. take care and cheers!
Comment from Rockdoc

Having just shot a Rodeo with bucking bronco I can relate to this very well. Great tedious work in pointilissm and you have captured the action of both the bronco and rider well. Nice work Lucien and thanks Dave for letting him use your work as a guide.

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2008
    yes, Dave was very kind in letting me use his images, seen hsi photos? he has a new book of rodeo images that are very good. you should take a look.
    thanks for the time and the comments... appreciated by me on all counts, cheers!
Comment from bloomheart

I think the picture is provocative and beautiful. I do like your textures. I also like the lighting behind the edges. Could teach people a new thing or two.

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2008
    thank you for the postive feed back, I appreciate you writing them to me on thsi drawing. have great weekend and cheers!
Comment from sloeart

Lucien, This stippling is really nice. You are very good at this. Your shadows and light areas are perfect. You must have the patience of Job, to sit and do this. I know how long this takes because I have tried it myself. I like it but it is so slow and exacting. My respect for your dedication and patience, Diane

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2008

    appreciate your comments on this drawing and the time it took for you to write them to me. take care and cheers!
Comment from artengraver

Now here is a very talented artist. The tools we use are not the art it is the hand that creates it. You love doing this I can tell. I also do the same thing only in glass. I have been a glass engraver for 32 years now and can always tell someone who loves what he or she does. I can't find much that would be good to comment on except you might have left a little light in the rib cage area. and done a bit more work on the face of the rider. HIs leg should stand out a bit more in contrast to the hues of the horse. This area where the arrow is I am not sure what it is. Gee for not having any thing to comment about I guess I did...This is just my observation and I still think your work here is excellent.

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 Comment Written 24-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2008
    yes, I can see what you are saying, I appreciate the comments and am honored by the rating you gave this drawing. Tassles from his chaps. Take care, have a great weekend and cheers!
Comment from Gregory Odd

really like this...a tribute to the west and everything that makes it so unique...the technique is very cool, and you can see how all the action in this frozen pose. awesome!

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2008
    Gerogry Odd,
    pleased you like my rendering and thanks for all time you took to look and then write the review, I appreciated all the positive feedback on it.
    take care and have great day... cheers!
Comment from walshsu

Great shot to have rendered in this art form - must have taken so much time and concentration - details are so intricately included I can't help but be impressed at the effort this must have taken. Wow Sue

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2008
    appreciate your time and the review, and the fact you like this drawing, thanks for all of that nice psoitive feed back. take care and cheers
Comment from chessmkr1

Great job Lucien! I like the 'pointillism' style here. I don't think I've ever seen it used in such an action shot like this. Well balanced, very interesting, and enjoyable to view. Thanks.

I have to go back to Dave's portfolio and check out the photo too...

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2008
    hello, good to hear from you, That was last year that Dave posted the photo. he has some new ones from a rodeo this year that are very good as well, he does great stop action shots.
    hay, there you go a Rodeo Chess set. How are the female sets coming along?
    anyway... thank you for having taken the time to look at and then review my work. I am pleased by the fact you like it and I appreciate the time. Take care and cheers!
Comment from RobRich

I always like your stipple drawings, Lucien, and this once especially so. You took on quite a challenge to achieve both image and action, and I think you have done well. Nice work! ~roberta

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2008

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2008
    Thank you for having taken the time to look at and then review my work. I am pleased by the fact you like it and I appreciate the time you have taken to convey that to me in your review. Take care and cheers!