Reviews from

Innocence Looking Out

Digital artwork of a baby girl.

10 total reviews 
Comment from samandlancelot


I love the big eyes and the little hand over the crib gate. I enjoyed your drawing; it is perfect for my story. Thank you for making it available on


 Comment Written 16-Mar-2013

reply by the author on 17-Mar-2013
    You are very much welcome, and I appreciate your nice critique of my art.

    VMarguarite :)
Comment from MinoYasue

Yes, Now I see what you mean. Both (mine and yours) have same expression. My version is more realistic and your version is more conceptual, and there is a similarity in the innocent eyes.

As a matter of a fact, I found your artworks to be highly conceptual, and I am delighted to find one more artist who has very similar concept toward art. Here, there are too many emphases on the photo realistic artworks. In my opinion, it is ALL the art is about (means it must have something to express about).

I will check out more other works of yours when I find more time. Sorry for a delay for a reply; Currently, I am very much occupied with my day work. I hope we will talk very soon. Yasue.

 Comment Written 04-Jun-2009

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2009
    Thank you for taking the time to browse my Portfolio and to send me your kind and useful comments. I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

Comment from andiemakkawaru

nice colors and light my friend....Love the bright you's nice work...really like it...

initial impact 4
creativity of presentation 4
color harmony 4
centre of interest 4
technical excellent 4
technique 4
story telling ability 4
lighting 4

Thanks for sharing...

thanks - andie -

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2009
    Thank you for your unique review.

Comment from Laura-May

hey, i like this picture alot, i liek the big brown eyes because they stand out so much, the compostion is very good and you've captured perfect shading here on her face, i like that shes hidden and dissappears into the background, you have a great style for artwork one i haven't saw before, keep up the great work! laura-may

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2009
    Thank you Laura-May for your kind comments about my artwork here, and for your 5-Star score. I look forward to browsing your Portfolio again soon and sending you comments.

    Take Care,

Comment from lorac1

This is a very nice digital painting with good color harmony and a fascinating center of interest. The little girl certainly has an expression of innocence.

I think there is too much black surrounding the main picture.

 Comment Written 11-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 11-Mar-2009
    Thank you for your useful comments about my artwork.

Comment from Details

Conceptually I really like this, and I really like the title. Technically I think this use a bit of work. I would have a look at the eyes, nose, and mouth. All are just slightly out of proportion. Would really like to see you do this again as it is a wonderful idea and tribute to someone I'm sure is special in your life.

 Comment Written 11-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 11-Mar-2009
    Thank you for your constructive comments.

Comment from kimwaynew

Hi, I like this drawing because it speaks for itself. the colors of the baby and baby clothes and bed are great. I think maybe using a pastel color for the background instead of the black. The black seems to bold.
thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 10-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2009
    Thank you for your useful comments about my artwork.

Comment from bedo92000

I really like the eyes in this. They seem to have a lot behind them. The nose and the fingers and the head seem to be our of proportion. Maybe that is what you were going for, so I don't know. :) Great job on the lips. Thanks for sharing.


 Comment Written 23-Dec-2008

reply by the author on 23-Dec-2008
    Thank you for taking the time to study my artwork. I am pleased that you like the baby's eyes.

    Vernonette Marguarite
Comment from Robin Gillow

Simply delightful. The composition is interesting and the contrasts striking. What a lovely book illustration this would make. our goddaughter's baby is certainly a cutie. Thanks for sharing this and compliments of the season to you.

 Comment Written 22-Dec-2008

reply by the author on 23-Dec-2008
    Thank you for your very kind critique about "Innocence" Looking Out. Happy Holidays to you.

    Vernonette Marguarite
Comment from oasj

Good evening. As simple as it is, it tells a story and is pleasing to a parent, especially, to look and ponder. Your own style for sure but I like it and good use of composition in creating this work. Oasj

 Comment Written 22-Dec-2008

reply by the author on 23-Dec-2008
    I am pleased that you admire this artwork of mine. Thank you for your review.

    Vernonette Marguarite