Reviews from

The Demonic Bear-Look

A Teddy Baer

5 total reviews 
Comment from shiloh106

lol--he's going to have to work harder on that demon look! He still seems cute and cuddly to me! Great lighting and crop. Good luck :)

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2009

reply by the author on 25-Nov-2009
    He is working on it, but it seams to me he is just not the demonic type.
    Thank you a lot, Sorry for being late again.
Comment from Snapdecisions

This is an excellent detailed shot Cleo , of a great subject that holds the eye , the management of light is good here , as is the focus , depth , and color / contrast , culminating in a pleasing overall composition , Very Nice Indeed , Trev

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2009

reply by the author on 25-Nov-2009
    Thanks so much Trev. Sorry for being late again.
Comment from RaineC

I didn't know what to expect when I opened it. And when it popped open, I had to laugh!
Nice focus and great DOF. Lighting is spot on.


 Comment Written 22-Nov-2009

reply by the author on 25-Nov-2009
    That's what I had in mine: People laughing.
    Thank you so much. Sorry for being late again.
reply by RaineC on 25-Nov-2009
    Don't worry about it. Life should take the forefront over this website :)
Comment from Dazzleme

This is so cute! I love this bear! I am such a pushover for these!This is a great angle for this shot. Your light is ideal for this.

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2009

reply by the author on 25-Nov-2009
    Yes I love them too, but I never grow fully up.
    Thank you very much :-) sorry for being late :-(
Comment from peace

This bear does have a "one flew over the cookoo's nest" look in his eye's. Interesting shot, to get this result. Picture is shot on a effective angle and framed well. Great lighting to the eyes. Peace.

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2009

reply by the author on 25-Nov-2009
    Thank you Peace, for your generous review. Sorry for being late.