Reviews from

Land and Sea

Viewing comments for Page 14 "Beauty in Nature"
land and seascapes

38 total reviews 
Comment from Smurphgirl

My eyes are red and swollen from spending too much time on the computer so I thought I'd take a break and check out Fanart. And I must say I am thrilled I did. This is superb. You are so talented and I envy your marvelous imagination. This is excellent. The subject and composition are terrific and the colors magnificent. I wish I had a 6 to give you for this.

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2010

Comment from artcart1111

Beautifully done! I love the colors. You did a great job.

initial impact 5
creativity 5
color harmony 4 (some more of that beautiful blue pointing to the flowers would have made this a stronger composition I believe.)
center of interest 4 (not sure where it is.)
tech excellence 5
technique 5
story telling ability 5
lighting 5
Thanks for a great post and beautiful digital painting.

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2010

Comment from Robin Gillow

This looks like a photograph! This has been very well executed and the way you have composed it, is appealing. All up it is a really nice piece of artwork that you should be pretty pleased with. Robin.

 Comment Written 03-Jan-2010

Comment from dreamndee

Textures and shadows on this are great! Somewhere in here I see a texture that looks like a snakes skin. Am I wrong? Along with an eye! Very cool and sophisticated version of where's Waldo? Great piece of work and nice fresh color for winter!

 Comment Written 03-Jan-2010

Comment from JOAN ROSSIE

You are still living up to our expectations of a beautiful world that you create. The colors are lovely and the dancing pink flowers are beautiful. The little daisies are such a bonus as is the look of the flowers being blown gently by a breeze. Joan

 Comment Written 03-Jan-2010

Comment from Janmccri

Overall Presentation-5.5
Initial Impact-5.5
Color harmony-6
Depth of field-5.5
Center of interest-6
Story Telling Ability-5.5
This is beautiful work. First of all, I love all the different textures which add to the dimensions of this work. the bright colors against the dark background were an excellent choice. I also love the little butterfly which to me symbolizes peace and harmony in lieu of the uncertain dark places behind the flowers. There is so much going on in this picture. Excellent work.

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 Comment Written 03-Jan-2010

Comment from Creator's Touch

This is stunning. Gorgeous colors and technique is stunning. I love your choices of flowers and colors. Great lighting. Catches the eye and hold the attention really well. Thank you so much for sharing this

 Comment Written 03-Jan-2010

Comment from RaineC

This is very nice. I like the realistic feeling in the plants. Thank-you for creating them anatomically correct :) I am liking the background, as well. Very nice job.


 Comment Written 03-Jan-2010

Comment from armymom

Beautifully crafted. You have a very perceptive sense of color and use it to the best advantage for the viewer. The contrasting colors scheme of the vivid yellows, pinks and background black are so well done. The little butterfly is a soft touch to the overall effect. A masterpiece. Armymom

 Comment Written 03-Jan-2010

Comment from Peg1966

wow this is an incredible picture. Makes me want to venture out into the world of digital picture making. I love everything about this the textures, center of focus, content, well done.

 Comment Written 03-Jan-2010