Reviews from

Life is a Beach

Dog enjoying the beach

52 total reviews 
Comment from paintingsheep

this is such a fabulous! and so funny! I like the way the are just lying there..and the empty beach in the background! Wonderful focus and color and the story here is delightful!

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you Gena, Your review is very much appreciated.
Comment from Robotkin

Ho looks like he is lying 'after' a walk but I suppose he has been walking and you have caught him in a moment of relelaxtion which he is obvouly savouring...a very good capture...oh if we could all be like this !...Rob

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you so much. He looks only as if he is laying. I got him in a funny pose but he is actually rolling in the sand. It's a stop in action photo.
Comment from peanut7

This is a great picture:

Dogs are wonderful
This is a great shot
Detail is wonderful and this is just a fun picture.

Thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you for your complimentary review.
Comment from Peg1966

OMG! What a wonderful, wonderful picture. Such a great capture. I love the position and know it well with my own dogs. Brillant! Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you for your wonderful review.
Comment from Bushbaby

I loved the humour in this photograph. You have a perfect backdrop and the subject holds ones attention. A classic 'funny' with all the right balance, colour, composition and feel. I had to have a good giggle, that is a very good reaction to this wonderful pic!

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you very much. It makes my day if I can make someone giggle.
Comment from Dazzleme

This is so hilarious! I cannot believe you actually were able to get a shot like this! Love the pose as it just cracked me up! Awesome angle and the light is fantastic!

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you so much. You probably know I was on my belly myself, but still lucky to get him this way.
Comment from donkeyoatey

Yes..but most do not try to bury themselves in the sand! (or is he getting a tan?) great shot..very funny and just plain fun to view! Donkeyoatey

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you very much. It's something like burring himself in the sand but I think he dries himself by rolling in the sand or maybe he is getting a good scratch.
Comment from vipshehan-Nikon

Nice capture and I like the perspective here. I also like how the subject fills the frame. The story telling ability is good and the formation of the clouds adds so much to it.

Thanks for sharing and good luck for the contest.

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you very much. The perspective is archived by having the photographer on her belly almost as sandy as the dog.
Comment from ShootingStarr

oh this is fab lol, i love the fact he is completely covered in sand and dosnt give a damn lol love the dof here nice siggstion of movent with the dog and nice lighting and clarity through out this image very well done and thank for sharing it. It made me smile :)

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    thank you so much. To give people smiles in giggles is what I love to do.
Comment from jesuel

what a fun and great photo the color is great the detail is great excellent depth great lighting and really great subject matter fine work here

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you very much for your encouraging review.