Reviews from

Santa Tours Sussex

Viewing comments for Page 7 "A Very Merry Christmas"
Selection of Christmas card designs

19 total reviews 
Comment from B Lemley

Very nice, as usual, Corrina!

I like your presentation, the colors, the idea, the excitment ~ and Santa's rolly polly legs! Poor Rudolph ~ he's turned into Blitzed'n!

Love your comedy here, and the musical notes say it all ~ lovely, just lovely! <|:{}

 Comment Written 09-Dec-2010

reply by the author on 09-Dec-2010
    Hes had one too many hasnt he ;) Thanks so much for the review Bev
Comment from willie

Nice work!
This to me is what I call art. I like what you have
Here. The colors are nice and the view is nice. It would have been better with a caption but it is still good work and I enjoyed viewing it.

 Comment Written 07-Dec-2010

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2010
    Thanks so much for the review, yes I should have put a caption on it, I liked the idea another far member wrote about the reindeer on the left telling Santa about a girl he had just met, that made me chuckle. Should hold a caption competition he he
Comment from IRISFEE

Hey, this one is ultra sweet again.... nice of you to also think about those that are running out there trying to make us happy and I love the red noses on the Rudolfs :-) It's wonderful that you keep creating new pieces with always new techniques. And I love the houses he still has to visit or has already visited. He must, of course wait, until the Rudolfs have gotten over their hangover :-) I LOVE this one once again.... (but why is there no penguin with Rudolf?) ;-) ...

 Comment Written 07-Dec-2010

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2010
    Lol Thanks Iris, Pengium makes his appearance tonight. So pleased you like this. Thanks again for the rating, appreciated as always :)
Comment from andylouviere

She looks a little tipsy I would say. Looks like they deserve it though. Great job. It has a lot of humor to it. I really like it. It made me smile. keep posting. They are great

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2010

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2010
    Yeah, gonna have a sore head thats for sure ;) Thanks for the rating
Comment from margas45

Initial impact 5
Creativity of presentation 5
Color Harmony 5
Center of Interest 5
Technical Excellence 5
Technique 5
Story Telling Ability 5
This is great! LOL! Of course Santa needs a little break and some time to party. Cleverly composed and expertly drawn to create a really Christmassy atmosphere. Good use of colour and lots of detail. I love the characterisations! A very good job!

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2010

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2010
    Thanks so much for the review, glad it created a chuckle for the day
reply by margas45 on 07-Dec-2010
    You are welcome!
Comment from DeeZ

This is delightful and done very well. Nice perspective and depth. Great color and technique. Enjoyed!

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2010

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2010
    Thanks so much for the review, appreciated as always :)
Comment from cleo85

I just love your humor full ideas. These eyes says it all. And now I know why Reindeer's sometimes have red noses. Ha ha.
I can't see anything artistically or technically wrong.
It is really cute. If I wouldn't make my own, I would send your creations as Christmas cards.
Have yourself a nice little Christmas party with Santa and his helpers and Merry Christmas to all.

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2010

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2010
    Oh wow, thanks for such a generous rating, wasn't expecting that at all. So pleased you liked it. Thats made my day, thanks ever so much :) Got my party this Friday, will try and avoid the benches.. famous last words he he
reply by cleo85 on 07-Dec-2010
    Your very welcome :-)
Comment from jbravo46

This looks great to me. It looks like the one reinder is telling Santa about the girl he just met. They all look a little drunk.

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2010

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2010
    Lol love that idea, you could make up a few captions with this he he Thanks so much for the review
Comment from PetaPan35

Oooh Oooh Oooh - can we have a caption competition for this...pleeeeeese LoL!

Great little pic here, very christmassy, love the teddy :-)

good colour usage draws the eye immediately to Santa and the reindeer.

The eye wanders looking at the other little details (crushed cans under the chair, teddy) so great composition

Another winner :-)

Cheers, Peta :-)

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2010

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2010
    Lol that cracked me up, got any in mind? My minds gone a blank! I don't think they would make mush sense anyway, could be a funny play on words ;) So pleased you like this, thanks so much for the review
Comment from Watercoloursmleboeuf

This is great! Looks like a piece right out of a magazine promoting Christmas. You have a real knack for cartoon sketching and you've done a nice job with the watercolor pencils. There's lots of great detail here and depth and perspective as well. Love their expressions. I hope they're not outside of the school:) Almost looks like school paintings done by students in the background. This is a fun very well done piece!

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2010

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2010
    Thanks Michelle, ha ha no was an estate agents, would be a bit dodgy outside a school ;) There is a bench in town in front of an estate agent that I have had many a kebab on lol thought I would put it in the piece
reply by Watercoloursmleboeuf on 06-Dec-2010
    You're welcome Corinna! Haha that's funny I should have known! Being from the states you have to forgive me:). This was a great piece very different than the others I've seen. Michelle