Reviews from

Kutub Minar at Delhi

A slice of India

4 total reviews 
Comment from margas45

Initial impact 5
Creativity of presentation 5
Color Harmony 5
Center of Interest 5
Technical Excellence 4.5
Technique 4.5
Story Telling Ability 5
Lighting 5
An impressive cell phone shot. I don't mind the purple hue. I think it adds some atmosphere. The angle is very good, giving a sense of the height of the tower. Interesting notes too.

 Comment Written 26-Dec-2010

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2010
    Many thanks for the positive review and support. I really appreciate it. I am very glad you like it.
reply by margas45 on 26-Dec-2010
    You are welcome!
Comment from RSMITH

I think your subject matter as in the tower is well captured expressing the height. The details of focus is not extremely clear but it may be in the lighting. The picture balance of light shows a dim purple cast that possibly detracts.

 Comment Written 25-Dec-2010

reply by the author on 25-Dec-2010
    The sun was right above the head. It was midday. Had no choice but to make the best of worst situation. Many thanks for the positive review and support. I really appreciate it. I am very glad you like it.
Comment from RagsAuggie

Nice angle to this shot! Good interest and details! Good story telling in this shot! Thanks for sharing! Cindy

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2010

reply by the author on 24-Dec-2010
    Many thanks for the positive review and support. I really appreciate it. I am very glad you like it.
Comment from RevDon

Initial Impact: Now that is tall. Lighting: is good, it give us the best understanding of the actual shape of the tower. Kutub Minar presentation. Color harmony: is good. Center of interest: the tower and its shape. Cropping: All of the base of the tower would have really helped put this structure into full and proper perspective. Focus: good. Action: Nothing. Story telling is in the Title and Artist's notes.
Comments: Good notes and composition.

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2010

reply by the author on 24-Dec-2010
    Thank you very muc for the nice review and support. Much appreciated.
reply by RevDon on 24-Dec-2010
    You are welcome. I would love to see this tower.
    Merry Christmas