Reviews from

Wolf attack

Flying wolf in fantasy land

9 total reviews 
Comment from amfunny

This is great. I love the storytelling in this. I bet he just love it. Very creatively done. Love the dragon in the back.

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2011
    thanks again my friend. Little Gavin loved this. this is from the story I posted on fanstory that got great ratings. I did a whole story with illustrations. I will be posting a few more of the pictures from the story off and on just to see what they are rated
    thanks again
Comment from asben

Great story I like it very much and the illustration. I bet your grandchildren love the story where they are the main characters. Good luck with your story telling carrier:-) And thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 04-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2011
    thanks asben for the great review and I think this will be my only story LOl
Comment from Angelheart The First

You sure did a good job in the placement of the clipart of the dragon and the added color.Background works well Diane,however the winged wolf needs to be just a bit lighter as it would be good to see his face.
You are becoming very good with this type of work.You could join Fanstory and do your writing and your artwork!!
Angelheart :)

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2011
    thanks Nancy. I am a mameber over at fanstory but haven't posted anything yet. I'm not much of a writer but this story actualy turned out cute with a moral to it. I might post it over there. and thanks for leting me know about the wolf. I agreee with yu completely and I'll lighten him up.
    thanks again Nance
    you are alwyays such a big help
reply by Angelheart The First on 03-Jun-2011
    I'm over at Fanstory a lot because they use a lot of my work.What a fantastic group of people.Helpful like you wouldn't believe!!DO IT GIRL!!
reply by Angelheart The First on 03-Jun-2011
    I'm over at Fanstory a lot because they use a lot of my work.What a fantastic group of people.Helpful like you wouldn't believe!!DO IT GIRL!!
Comment from tinybynature

interesting image.

lots of bright, vivid colours throughout.

good deatils

good lighting

thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2011
    thank you so much for the kind review and rating it is realy appreciated
Comment from Anne

This is so creative the way you have done it. I like the things you put in this picture and the way you put it all together. The dragon is neat. I like the way you have your grandson in this too. Interesting picture.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2011
    thanks so much Anne for such a great review and taking the time to write one. It is really appreciated
Comment from Jessie <3

I wish I had your mad editing skills although the name of this elludes me. I do appreciate th use of colour and the fact that you are able to do this! Brava!

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2011
    thanks jessie for taking the time to review this piece. I guess the title could be confusing unless you were able to read the full story that I wrote to go along with this. sorry about that. Its the title of that page in the book that i made just didn't think to change it when I posted it.
    I do appreciate your kind words about this piece however could you please epxlain what i did wrong. With such a low rating on this piece of a 3 if I can improve on it I would love the input.
    It is really appreciated
    thanks again
reply by Jessie <3 on 03-Jun-2011
    I gave you a three because although it is marvellous work, I think you can and have done better. I can see seams where the characters were imputted. I am not at all saying that this is a bad piece, as I like it very much, I just feel it is slightly unfinished.
reply by the author on 03-Jun-2011
    thank you so much for you kind responce. I used feathering around the edges but because it was a kids book for fun I didn't give it a detailed once over. when I posted this I completely forgot that I didn't detail this work. I'll attempt to fix that error and thanks again for pointing it out. A lot of times, we will miss something that a fresh pair of eyes catch right off the bat.
    thank you again Jessie, you'l make an excellant reveiwer
Comment from Leenie

Wow! Excellent fantasy composition. Great detail and color.
1.Initial impact-5; 2.Creativity of Presentation-5; 3.Color Harmony-5; 4.Center of Interest-5; 5.Technical excellence-5; 6.Technique-5; 7.Storytelling ability-5; 8.Lighting-5. Leenie

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2011
    thank you so much Leenie for such a fantastic review and rating. It is realy appreciated.
    thanks again
Comment from Dawns Photos

nice image. I love the colors you chose for this image,very vibrant. The story is great. This is a great fantasy image.I like how you used your gransons photo in this image,brings it to life. good job on all counts.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2011
    thank you so much Dawns Photos for r such a great review and compliment. It really means alot
    thanks again
reply by Dawns Photos on 02-Jun-2011
    your very welcome,be proud of your work. great job
Comment from sarah63

Great picture Diane but you forgot to say who the dragon was
and i think sir gavin is a brave knight indeed.

Great work and thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2011
    thank you Sarah. His drragon is 'flight" Sir Gavin named him LOL
    just now getting around to doing reviews. sorry i haven't been around .
    thanks again Sarah
reply by sarah63 on 02-Jun-2011
    IN england the we have a nick name for mother in laws affectionately the "dragon " in most cases anyway so I wondered if thats who the dragon was meant to
reply by the author on 02-Jun-2011
    I love my mother in law, however with My first husbands mother I would definetly call her a dragon but not in a kind way LOL
reply by sarah63 on 02-Jun-2011
    Like i say sometimes it is said with affection but not
    I wouldnt say that my future mother in law is a dragon shes a cracker and good
reply by the author on 02-Jun-2011
    always better to have an inlaw that you cn get along with. My mother in law and I have had out differences but she is a realy awsome in her case, a nice dragon LOl
reply by sarah63 on 02-Jun-2011
    I know exactly what you mean as i have had 2 in laws and didnt get on with either really so this one to be is a great feeling.