Reviews from

Fairytale Land another story

Princess Sacorra with Brawn

4 total reviews 
Comment from asben

Very great to create this world for your grandchildren. This is something they will newer forget, I guess.
This is a nice scene. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 17-Jun-2011
    thanks asben for a great review and compliment. My grandkids loved this
Comment from Angelheart The First

This scene is put together much better than the first one that you used.I like the bold pink dragon and also like the forest background that you used.You got great reviews over at FS so keep it up girl.Maybe you were meant to do both?
Angelheart :)

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2011
    thanks so much Nancy, You have been such an encoragtment an dyu have n idea how much it is appreciated. I need to do some revviews over at fanstory so I can repost that story. I haven't written anything else, bt have an idea for a second part to little Nika
    thank you somuch again
    yo are deeply appreciated
reply by Angelheart The First on 17-Jun-2011
    I can't believe this.I was over at FanStorywriting thank you notes for using my work when a good friend of mine used two of my works in a row.I would say that she is one of my biggest fans over there.I told her about you and how you just started out,gave her you're name and asked her to read your first story.Her name is Kathryn Varuzza and she is such a helpful and nice person.So there you go,a contact a made for you before you said anything. :)
Comment from amfunny

and people talk about MY imagination.. lol. You are too much.
Great idea and what a fun photograph with great storytelling. Nicely done. Still chuckling here.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2011
    thanks NOrma now thats a compliment! if your able to I'l love to jump oer to fan story and read the story that i wrote. Your the writer after all of childrens books and I'l love to know yur opinon.
    thanks again youmade my day
Comment from sarah63

See i said there was a dragon around somewhere and i thought it was in the jet you posted..LOL

Great colors and tones,
good deppth and details along with story telling ability .

great work and thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2011

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2011
    couldn't quite keep away from the drgon theme LOL Sacorra loved this one, but she said her dragon looked toonice and she wanted a mean loking one like her brother LOL, But I had to explain to her since she is a Princess in the story and not knight like her brother, her dragon ouldn't be mean, Imight have to change the whole story and have her riding on a giant butterfly, good thing i haven't had this story done in print yet LOL
    awwwhhh kids ! LOL
    thanks Sarah
reply by sarah63 on 16-Jun-2011
    Oh well if Sacorra is a princess then what she says goes does it not...LOL
    You love them kids and it shows very much.
    Your very welcome Diane as always.