Reviews from

Pink Whimsy

PInk Contest, fun with bubbles and flowers

11 total reviews 
Comment from joyfulartist

I like everything about this picture. The black background and the little bubbles and the bigger bubble with the flowers inside. And the flowers themselves and how you place all the objects in a nice arrangement. Actually it looks like a pink cross.

Nice one.

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2011

Comment from constance54

Absolutely stunning and so amazing creative! I love it. The center flower looks like one of those glass paperweights. Great composition, creativity, color, detail.

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2011

Comment from picklepea09

Initial impact, 5
Creativity of presentation, 5
Colors, 5
Center of interest, 5
Harmony, 5
Technique, 5
Very nice, Thanks so much for sharing!

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2011

Comment from Angelheart The First

Very nicely done Helvi and the symmetry is perfect.I do llike the design that you came up with and having not used a kaleidoscope filter you did it perfectly.You must have some really good eyes to have this come out as perfect as it did.
Good luck in the contest.
Angelheart :)

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2011

Comment from Anne

This is so unique the way you have done it. I like all the repetition. The shapes, the things in the bubbles and the way you put everything together is so neat. Just a very creative, interesting and excellent work of art. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2011

Comment from taylortia

you have done a magnificent job here, i love it, great creativity, i can imagine the smile growing on your face as you progressed, the placement in the bubbles is perfect, reflections awesome. you have a very fine piece of work here, wendy,

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2011

reply by the author on 01-Jul-2011
    Hi Wendy, You're right about the smile on my face, when creating this! LOL I was VERY happy with the way this came out. Your review helped add to that happiness. I'm SO glad you enjoyed it and appreciate your wonderful review VERY much! Thank You! :o) Helvi
reply by taylortia on 02-Jul-2011
    my pleasure. wendy :)
Comment from joelise

Good initial impact. Good focus and lighting. Good color harmony. The interesting combination of flowers and bubbles is the center of interest. Good composition, cropping and framing. Good technique, technical skill, much patience and story telling potential. Creativity in title, presentation and artist's notes.

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2011

Comment from einyv

Initial impact 5
story telling ability 5
color harmony 5
technical ability 5
center of interest 5
Composition 5
lighting 5
focus 5
Nicely composed for digital art.The pink flowers are lovely too on the black background. Bubbles are a cute effect too.

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2011

Comment from donkeyoatey

the time you took, and the care has really paid off..the bubbles look realistic and the reflections in them are truly amazing..THEN you gave them all a great sense of depth, and made them pop rightoff the screen! Beautifully done (I have no more high ratings..alas) I think this is a super entry for the contest (very sick offlamingos) lol! What is a bubblefilter? and how do I get one? Donkeyoatey

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2011

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2011
    Hi, Just knowing YOU want to give me a six is special all in itself. Thank You! It does seem when a"pink contest" is mentioned, some seem to have only one subject on their mind. The contests say be creative so that's what I try to do, but somtimes people just aren't interested. I'm thrilled you like my entry. Knowing that means a GREAT deal to me! .....AS far as the bubble filters go, I got mine in a software program called "Photo Exlposions". Unfortunately the new program no longer has it, so I feel very lucky I got it when I did. A great place to look for plug-ins is the "plug in site". I got my kaleidoscope filter there. Check it out and you might find some filters you like. You aked me what a bubble filter is.... seriously! makes bubbles. LOL Hope you can find one, or something else you like. Have a HAPPY 4rth my friend! :o) Helvi
reply by donkeyoatey on 02-Jul-2011
    Thank you for the advice..and good luck in the contest, your entry is VERY creative..happy fourth to you as well! Donkeyoatey
Comment from Carl Childs

Awesome piece. Super initial impact and creative presentation. Great technical excellence and technique. Awesome story telling ability! It explained a lot about the process and your thoughts on this work! Awesome use of lighting, darkness and center of interest. I love this work! Thanks for showing it! Keep working your craft!

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 Comment Written 01-Jul-2011