Time shifting
Motion sequences3 total reviews
Comment from Lucien van Oosten
Interesting abstracted image. the blending of the colors is good. I like the shades of the greens from the cooler to the warmer that created the forms & shapes by the way you handled the paint and the blending. the image reminds me of working in a rice field. the colors do look a little dull, they lack richness, have you varnished the painting yet?
reply by the author on 28-Apr-2012
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Interesting abstracted image. the blending of the colors is good. I like the shades of the greens from the cooler to the warmer that created the forms & shapes by the way you handled the paint and the blending. the image reminds me of working in a rice field. the colors do look a little dull, they lack richness, have you varnished the painting yet?
Comment Written 27-Apr-2012
reply by the author on 28-Apr-2012
Hi Lucien,
thank you for comment! I did this picture in 2-3 hours just as study of blending the colours and I tried to paint something not so detailed as I usually do. First the photo is not sharp and colours are a bit too warm, in fact its more cold (blue). Second I didnt use any varnish yet, because Im not sure if its finished:-). I agree that 5 poses of a woman are too hidden, so Im waiting for the right inspiration...I like those colours so I dont want to ruin it.
Comment from Life is but a dream.
Vladyn I never read the artist's notes on abstracts because I like to let my mind fly wild with imagination regarding an upload. I did read your notes however, and I still cannot see 5 women.
I do see a lovely flow of dance and movement. Perhaps your women are dancing. I see backward and forward movement and umbrellas. This flow is happening beneath a canopy of trees, almost like in a forest cove.
The strokes you use are long and flowing as well which adds to the dynamism of your art. I find that green pop to the very left empty space, it feels like there ought to be part of a figure there, can you see that too? Can you see how on the right the image flows out of your canvas but not on your left?
I enjoy so much your colour palette of happy yellows a primary colour with complimentary colours of blue and green...this creates a harmonic balance to the piece.
You also have good tonality included form very dark to white and in between many varying shades.
I'm not cottoning up to that frame, to me it doesn't add nor does it subtract. I feel this acrylic needs something to pop it out for it deserves to pop out.
reply by the author on 28-Apr-2012
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Vladyn I never read the artist's notes on abstracts because I like to let my mind fly wild with imagination regarding an upload. I did read your notes however, and I still cannot see 5 women.
I do see a lovely flow of dance and movement. Perhaps your women are dancing. I see backward and forward movement and umbrellas. This flow is happening beneath a canopy of trees, almost like in a forest cove.
The strokes you use are long and flowing as well which adds to the dynamism of your art. I find that green pop to the very left empty space, it feels like there ought to be part of a figure there, can you see that too? Can you see how on the right the image flows out of your canvas but not on your left?
I enjoy so much your colour palette of happy yellows a primary colour with complimentary colours of blue and green...this creates a harmonic balance to the piece.
You also have good tonality included form very dark to white and in between many varying shades.
I'm not cottoning up to that frame, to me it doesn't add nor does it subtract. I feel this acrylic needs something to pop it out for it deserves to pop out.
Comment Written 27-Apr-2012
reply by the author on 28-Apr-2012
you are right, its hard to see those women. My aim was to simplify bodies in few lines and shapes. Imagine that triangles are women heads...than you cas see breasts and sketch of legs...
Actually you are right that it associates dance, but original inspiration was relativity of time so I named it Time shifting.
I did this picture in 2-3 hours just as study of blending the colours and I tried to paint something not so detailed as I usually do.
You are absolutely right with the overflowing on right side, I didnt draw any sketch so its my mistake. I can describe for you lady on the left - blue triangle is head, yellow are breasts, dark green is body, white is right leg and left leg is green...can you see it?
Thank you for your feed back! I also like those colours, just I feel that its not quite finished...Id like to pull out the figures and I already have an idea, but Im working on much more coplex and bigger picture so Ill do it later:-)
By the way some of your photos are really good!
I'll be in Thailand in June so Im looking forward to your tropical weather and epic food;-)
Vladyn, I never used to look at abstracts and could never really understand them, then over the course of time I realized that if I looked at an abstract long enough something within me (deep within me) began to gurgle and set my mind and emotions WILD. I now adore staring at abstracts and waiting for the birth of excitement. I have tried to teach my husband about the beauty of abstracts, I give him lengthy explanations, I lecture him about what I see and "don't you see something?" I ask him....then he just doesn't get it at all....I'm so frustrated, he's so left brained.
I am not sure if we will be back home in Thailand in June as we are planning on flying down to Cuenca, Ecuador. But if we are there, we live in Chiang Mai...then we will have a coffee and a chat and we will tell you WHERE NOT TO GO IN THAILAnd. In the meantime if you have any questions please private message me and I will help you out with any queries you may have.
By the way my middle name is Vladimyra....the female version of your name?
Comment from kbp painter
This is a great painting. I like the brush strokes and the way that you manipulated form to look like the 5 women. I have note. The two strait lines leaving the canvas directly after the blue triangles make this a linear design that requires something on the left to bring it together. and something on the right only in a smaller way, to provide connectivity and overall balance. I am sure if you look at this from a distance in low light you will see what I mean.
reply by the author on 28-Apr-2012
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This is a great painting. I like the brush strokes and the way that you manipulated form to look like the 5 women. I have note. The two strait lines leaving the canvas directly after the blue triangles make this a linear design that requires something on the left to bring it together. and something on the right only in a smaller way, to provide connectivity and overall balance. I am sure if you look at this from a distance in low light you will see what I mean.
Comment Written 27-Apr-2012
reply by the author on 28-Apr-2012
thank you for comment! Great that you recognize those figures:-). I know that right side is a bit overflowing and the left is too empty, it was just an 2-3 hours experiment with colours and blending. Usually it takes me a lot of time to paint a picture and its much more detailed. I tried to do something quick and more spontanous.
I also feel that its not finished and I already have some ideas, just Im working on other picture so ill finish it afterwards.
Yes I understand. I have done the same. Instead of a year I painted some more representational and expressionistic pieces which I just showed. It is good to stretch ourselves. good talking to you