Reviews from

Honey I Shrunk The Kids

Kids on a bug

11 total reviews 
Comment from suenethery

Great shot. Should have entered the not natural anymore contest. Thanks for the description.
I like the technique you used.
Excellent photo.

 Comment Written 10-Jul-2012

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2012
    I'm so glad you enjoyed my fun piece of work with my grand kids, this was just one of those things I just had to do LOL still can't figure out what type of weird bug that is, hope it isn't poisonous I'd hat to think I put my two grandkids on a dangerous bug LOL although they seem to be having fun ha
Comment from Brian B

Really creative and great job with the little boys leg wedged into the bug. Looks like some kind of locust. Good clarity and composition. Bright image and good green background color. I like it.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2012

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2012
    Finally an idea of what that bug might be. that's been driving me crazy, not that I had far to go mind you LOL
    thanks Brian fore the info an d for the great review
Comment from adr1an

you made a super job with the composition of this interesting scenario diane tells the storyline well with good depth colours contrasts detail & initial impact-from the look of the legs & wings on it i,d say it could be some kinda grasshopper or locust but then the head looks more beetle like-george ringo paul or john maybe,lol!-no i,m mnot sure gal but thanks fore sharing this interesting pic!

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2012

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2012
    I had a feeling it looked a bit like George LOL, maybe I discovered a new species and since I have my own shrink ray machine here at home, I think I'll let the kids play a bit more and then let them name it, problem is, I can't find the kids or the bug! whoops LOL
    thanks my friend
Comment from Happy Snappy

I love the concept and it's very creative but I would maybe have used a different photo of the children to blend in better with the bug and the background. As they have been blown up (that's not a pun on the other film by the way)they don't have the same clarity as the bug and the background.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2012

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2012
    LOL, maybe not meant to be a pun, but it fit LOL..I agree that the picture of the kids wasn't that clear, they were swimming all day and I just got a new camera and have no idea how to use it yet so I had to pick the best one's of the bunch to match with the right angle of the bug and those were the best ones I came up with. I think I am going to have them pose..which by the way they love to do..and then remake this for them as a poster, they both got a kick out of this LOL
    thanks Happy
reply by Happy Snappy on 11-Jul-2012
    You're welcome and I'm glad you want to keep at it cos it's a great idea and loved the title.
Comment from donkeyoatey

Aw..this is darn cute! he is an odd bug, but the kids seem to be enjoying the company..gave me a HUGE smile, and is very creative too! Donkeyoatey

 Comment Written 07-Jul-2012

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2012
    Glad this gave you a smile my friend. With this odd bug, I was laying in bed trying to figure out what type of bug that might be and came up with this idea, had to do some thing with a bug that weird
Comment from filly421

This is pretty some laughs from it.
How did you do this?! No wait. You don't have to tell me.
But, I don't see how you got his foot peeking through that giant bug.
ha-ha..he looks so happy and at ease with the bug, and the girl looks like she's trying to make things more comfortable.
Like the posture of the two kids, the story of their lazy day in the water with their friend the bug.
Like how they are framed by the darker branches, and how the backround is full of the same branches in green. Like how thick they a jungle.
The bug looks like a combination of cricket and I don't know what.
good colors on it..contrasts well with the kids skin tones, and the backround.
good composition.
great idea.

 Comment Written 07-Jul-2012

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2012
    Thank you filly for such a huge complement and wonderful review. How I did the boys foot is, I cut the wing and front legs out from the bug, sat the boy on then used another layer to add the bugs feet and wing. Pretty easy but makes the effect perfect LOL
    I have had it said that the boys skin tone is off and the pics of the two are blurry so I am reposting the same pics but with better pictures of the kids on it.
    Sure wish I could find out what type of bug that is, weirdest thing I ever saw LOL
    Thanks again filly
Comment from Angelheart The First

I love it.I told you on the phone what type of bug this is.It's a mutant locust,read Revelations! Gavin looks like he's into it.
Love your crazy pics!
Angelheart :)

 Comment Written 07-Jul-2012

reply by the author on 07-Jul-2012
    LOL guess come closer to December we'll see all kinds of werid things HUH
    thought you'd like this one LOL
reply by Angelheart The First on 08-Jul-2012
    That's right! Maybe then the non-believers will believe! LOL!!
Comment from cleo85

That is hilarious. The idea is perfect. That greenery around is what that story need. The kids are a bit fuzzy and the skin color of the boys face do not mach with the skin of the body; but for that story it still works.

 Comment Written 07-Jul-2012

reply by the author on 07-Jul-2012
    I have to fix the skin tones on the kids, I put this together around 3:00am and the house lighting was dim , now in the daytime I can see how off it is
    glad you got a laugh out of this my friend
reply by cleo85 on 07-Jul-2012
    I am still laughing. It really funny.
Comment from BrooklynMyra

I love the expression on the boy's face. The title is great for what you want to convey. I have a problem making out the bug's face. At first I thought the backside was a bird's wing and foot. Very creative picture.

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 Comment Written 07-Jul-2012

reply by the author on 07-Jul-2012
    the bug was pulled from the pool so he's dead..Rest in peace..LOL.. even i couldn't make out this weird things head to rear
    but glad you enjoyed this
Comment from khristysdesigns

this is funny! the bug looks like some type of wasp or water type bug, sorry, I don't know, I think the creativity is amusing, you did a great job on the grass, it looks as if they are in the grass with sticks and this bug is like their flying pet!

 Comment Written 07-Jul-2012

reply by the author on 07-Jul-2012
    cool, that's what I was going for so I'm so glad you reviewed this and gave those remarks. Glad you got a laugh out of this, my grand kids loved it LOL