Reviews from

CominG SooN


30 total reviews 
Comment from coramagere

Great job! I love the view of the two warriors! Great details on the face and helmet. Football time I love it!

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2012
    thanks cora for the great review.
Comment from Rustyroy

The photo is of two football players exchanging greetings. Maybe before or after a game. I really like the colors and placement of this shot.

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2012
    thnks rustyroy for the great review.
Comment from Kato666

Afternoon, I think before I give you a rating I should find out who you cheer for. You see though we are canadian, we hate! Our football, always look forward to fall when the nfl starts, though the replacement refs were ....... I will let you fill in that blank, lol.

I am a colts fan, hubbie is the Patriates. Fun times in our house I tell ya, we even bought a tv for better viewing pleasure, lol. Just wanted you to know even some women enjoy football!

This is a great drawing..i love the use of the helmet as the we are looking through it.. nice idea excuted well, unfortunely since I cannot even draw a stick man I wont be entering the contest but will definetly vote. Sounds like you love football and it is shown in the details you have used in this creation. Just like the real football players. An awsome job, thanks so much for reminding me of monday night football I should be just about home in time to watch the cowboys and the bears tonight at 8, lol. Hope you enjoy the game as well, missed yesterday since I was visiting my parents and neither fun there, lol, c

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2012
    fan to the sport period and there is several teams i follow not just one..the wife is a big washington redskin fan..some of daughters like the eagles..have a son that likes the can say it gets really interesting around the homestead on game played football myself so i was giving an football players eyeview of what he is about to see before being tackled..glad that you like and thanks for the great review.
Comment from sohailanwar

I know the artist who is well versed in this filed with so fantastic work with use of sharpie markers to create such lovely work always..

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2012
    lol..ok..thanks for the great review.
Comment from Skyangel02

Great advertisement for your coming contest. I am not a fan of football but I might find something to paint like the ball? LOL.

The random overlaps in the green area under the arm are not as noticeable as the straight line overlaps near the shoulder area. I think the grass looks much better with the random style overlaps.
Thanks for putting up with my nagging.

Overall, your work is excellent.

 Comment Written 21-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 21-Aug-2012
    well the winner last year is from europe and she did a great pic of a can do a marching band..or evene a sportscaster..its really anyones game on that contest..its being voters on by a majority of people who dont know or care about much of the i understand and say you outha go for it..roll those Venusian sleeves up and show us what ya got..evil grin..thanks for the good review.
Comment from Severity Apparel

Nice first person perspective looks great haven't seen anyone else brave enough to post drawings done in sharpie good job!

 Comment Written 16-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 18-Aug-2012
    brave? yeah i guess so for decades of "looks great so when you are gonna do some real artwork"..loving that sharpie is finally getting the respect and i hung in ther too of thanks for the great review.
Comment from Lucien van Oosten

Okay, so count me in just let me know when you post it, send me a PM.
Now, I think I would have made the letter larger so the message is the image with the football player being the back drop to the message. Colors are good. I like the idea of looking out of the player helmet's face guard.

 Comment Written 14-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2012
    hehehe..i figured that yould get your attention..just the print alone would get ya to come out and its already posted and waiting for to have you there sir..thanks for the great review.
Comment from BirdsEyeView

I like the open helmet giving the sense of you looking to the uncoming player. I am a PACKER fan so drawn to view right away. Nice. BEV

 Comment Written 14-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2012
    guess it dont help to know bret farr is from my home state well so it both the manning boys and thier daddy..oh i could go on and on....evil grin..hey i dont have anything against the big cheese..thanks for the great review.
Comment from jerrid

Oh yeah I am so happy that football started lol GO PACK GO lol sorry I just had to get that out lol! I like this picture, you really don't get a chance to see what it is like from the players view!. Awesome picture! Oh yeah b4 I go lol GO PACK GO lol sorry!

 Comment Written 14-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2012
    played football myself in highschool.know this veiw very well..thanks for the great review...i guess i dont have to ask you who you think might make it to the super bowl..evil
reply by jerrid on 15-Aug-2012
    Packers baby lol!!
Comment from willie

Nice work!
I like the look of this. I think it was a good idea to show it through the mask. It adds more interest! I enjoy watching football. I got that way from our office contest each week. At the time Indianapolis Colts was the under dog. So I would pick them. After watching them I started getting interested and then became a fan. Then when Manning came to play, well you know the rest. I think now I'm a Manning fan so I will be watching Indy play ant also the Broncos.
I am seeing red and white so I assume you are a Cardinals fan or maybe Kansas city chiefs?

 Comment Written 14-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 14-Aug-2012 and white is a common color in football team i was being general..being im from mississippi..thats where manning and his family is orginally from and his family has a big infuence as well as bret farr in this area..remember..midsouth is football country..its just the pro league just dont want to put a team here..they want us to push dollars towards cities like yours that is same distance to St louis..tennesse titans is for the rest of the state..memphis is all by itself down here(3 states combine) memphis is not like the the rest of tennessee..glad that you have enjoyed this and thanks for the great review.