Reviews from

Land and Sea

Viewing comments for Page 48 "Washington Autumn"
land and seascapes

39 total reviews 
Comment from cleo85

How gorgeous. It in deed looks like Washington. My husband is from Sunnyside, WA. I have seen it just that way. [Mmmmm Walla Walla Sweet Onion...]
It is an indeed beautiful painting. I love that birch with her autumn leaves and how the yellow weeds run up the hill. The single bird flying into the sky and the beautiful dept of the picture.

 Comment Written 17-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 18-Sep-2012
    LOL. Yes, the best onions in the world :) Thank you so much for the super review. Very much appreciated.
reply by cleo85 on 19-Sep-2012
    You're most welcome :-)
Comment from the rhatzz

very nice however I wish you included the top of the tree with some blue sky above as this would frame the work. besides that beutiful.

 Comment Written 17-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 18-Sep-2012
    Thank you, rhatzz, for taking the time to view and review. I really appreciate it.
Comment from LamonteMA

I really like the fall colors and you really brought them out with the mid tones in this photo. Overall really nice balance with this photo and painterly shy and hawk. Nice work.

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 Comment Written 17-Sep-2012

Comment from

Awesome!!! Great creative nature art piece! Great composure! Keep it up!


 Comment Written 16-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 16-Sep-2012
    Thank you, fot-ka. And thank you for the extra special rating. I really appreciate it. :)shawn
Comment from KLJCameraworks

Great piece of art. It invites the viewer to sit down in the grass and pass the time. The single bird in the sky and the sun catching the blades of grass in the water are poetic. The restraint on color makes you want to stay in the scene and enjoy the warm afternoon. Great Work! Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 16-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 16-Sep-2012
    Thank you for the wonderful review and extra special rating, KLJ. Both are truly appreciated. :)shawn
Comment from bint

Excellently done. Believe me when I saw this picture on the digital side I thought that someone had accidently placed a photography there.
I love the look of it. The maroon leaves and the shaded trunk. The glistening water and the golden grass. The sky is also nicely done.
A small advice from me..see the top of the is contrasting too much against the sky..that is because the texture of the bottom of the hill and the top of the hill is the suggestion is you lighten the top of the hill and make the spikes smaller.
A thousand thumbs from bint :)

 Comment Written 16-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 16-Sep-2012
    Thank you, Bint. I did fix what you mentioned, but haven't had to chance to upload it again yet. I softened the tops of the hills and added a bit of haze over them. It looks a lot better and adds more depth. I should have noticed that. Again, thank you! :)shawn
reply by bint on 16-Sep-2012
    Looking through the eyes of a stranger helps a lot and art must be observed a week later to find the faults.
    Your welcome and glad to be of help. :)
Comment from blairwacha

I also love the colors of autumn. This is a wonderful work of art. The colors are depicted perfectly. You've put everything in appropriately, the lone tree, the grass, reflective water, the fence and soaring eagle. Great work!

 Comment Written 15-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 16-Sep-2012
    Thank you so much for the beautiful review and rating, blair. I really appreciate both. :)shawn
Comment from fila4

Well I love your color selection as it certainly gives one the feel of fall. The overall setting is quite nice with a few details like the fence post with the broken barbed wire that personalize the scene. The tree is gorgeous. I like the rolling golden hills and the lone bird. Very nice. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 15-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 16-Sep-2012
    Thank you ever so much, fila!! :)shawn
Comment from marieann green

Lovely scene that you have created. Very well represents the title. Colors and composition are both excellent. Very nicely done

 Comment Written 15-Sep-2012

reply by the author on 16-Sep-2012
    Thank you so very very much, MarieAnn. :)shawn
Comment from janvan723

Great piece. Autumn is my favorite season. This work shows some of the beautiful fall colors. Good job on the details like the water with lily pads growing on it and the bird in the distant sky adds another point of interest.

 Comment Written 15-Sep-2012